
Record Nr.



Walker, Joseph Cooper <m. 1810>


Historical memoirs of the Irish bard. Interspersed with anecdotes of and occasional observations on, the music of Ireland. Also an historical and descriptive account of the musical instruments of the ancient Irish. And an appendix ... By Joseph C. Walker ..


Dublin : printed for the aAthor, by L. White, 1786

Descrizione fisica

xii, 166, 124, [6] p., [1] c. di tav. : ant. (ritr.); 4° (27 cm).


Tassoni, Alessandro, 1565-1635

Rinuccini, Ottavio, 1562-1621

Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642

Chiabrera, Gabriello, 1552-1638

Guarini, Giovanni Battista, 1538-1612

Walker, Samuel

Tassoni, Alessandro, 1565-1635

Rinuccini, Ottavio, 1562-1621

Galilei, Galileo, 1564-1642

Chiabrera, Gabriello, 1552-1638

Guarini, Giovanni Battista, 1538-1612

Walker, Samuel

Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico


Note generali

L'ant. calcografica si trova a p. 55 dell'Appendice.

Appendix: no. I. Inquiries concerning the ancient Irish bard ... By the Rev. Edward Ledwich. -- no. II. A letter ... on the style of the ancient Irish music. From the Rev. Edward Ledwich. -- no. III. An essay on the poetical accents of the Irish: by William Beauford. -- no. IV. Dissertazionedel Signor canonico Orazio Maccari di Cortona, sopra un'antica statuetta di marmo, rappresentante un suonator di cornamusa. -- no. V. Memoirs of Cormac Common. -- no. VI The life of Turlough O'Carolan. -- no. VII. An account of three brass trumpets found near Cork with remarks thereon. -- no. VIII. An essay on the construction and capability of the Irish harp, in its pristine and present state. By William Beauford. -- no. IX. Selected Irish melodies (130 p.).

Riproduzione in microfiche dell'originale conservato presso la Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana