[1] Recent work on architecture and sculpture, including the papers given at the Second International Aphrodisias Colloquium held at King's College, London, on 14 November, 1987 / ed. by Charlotte Rouechâe and Kenan T. Erim -- 2. The theatre, a sculptor's workshop, philosophers, and coin-types : including the papers given at the 3rd International Aphrodisias Colloquium held at New York University on 7 and 8 April, 1989 -- 3. The setting and quarries, mythological and other sculptural decoration, architectural development, portico of Tiberias, and tetrapylon : in memory of Kenan T. Erim / edited by Charlotte Rouechâe and R.R.R. Smith -- 4. New research on the city and its monuments / edited by Christopher Rattâe and R. R. R. Smith |