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Record Nr. |
UNISA996472048403316 |
Autore |
Bazhan Mykola |
Titolo |
Quiet spiders of the hidden soul : Mykola (Nik) Bazhan's early experimental poetry / / edited by Oksana Rosenblum, Lev Fridman, and Anzhelika Khyzhnia |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Boston : , : Academic Studies Press, , [2020] |
©2020 |
1-64469-397-6 |
1-64469-396-8 |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (324 pages) |
Collana |
Disciplina |
Soggetti |
Ukrainian poetry - 20th century |
Electronic books. |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Nota di contenuto |
Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Preface -- The Ukrainian Avant-Garde and Its Roots: The Poetics of Mykola (Nik) Bazhan -- COLLECTIONS -- Сімнадцятий патруль/The Seventeenth Patrol (1926) -- Translator’s Essay: Jumping the Corral Fence -- ПIСНЯ БIЙЦЯ/TROOPER’S SONG -- IМОБЕ З ГАЛАМУ/IMOBE OF GALAM -- Різьблена тінь/The Sculpted Shadow (1927) -- Translator’s Essay: Mykola Bazhan’s The Sculpted Shadow: Echoes of Acmeism -- ОСІННЯ ПУТЬ/AUTUMN PATH -- ПІДКОВИ КОНЕЙ/HORSESHOES -- НІЧНИЙ МОМЕНТ/A MOMENT IN THE NIGHT -- НЕЯСНИЙ ЗВУК/INDISTINCT SOUND -- ПАПОРОТЬ/FERN -- КРОВ ПОЛОНЯНОК/THE BLOOD OF CAPTIVE MAIDENS -- ЛЮБИСТОК/LOVAGE -- РОЗМАЙ—ЗІЛЛЯ/LOVE POTION -- ДОРОГА НЕСХОДИМА/THE INFINITE ROAD -- Будівлі/Edifices (1929) -- ДОРОГА/THE ROAD -- НІЧНИЙ РЕЙС/A NIGHT CRUISE -- МОЄМУ ДРУГОВІ/TO MY FRIEND -- ФОКСТРОТ/FOXTROT -- ЕЛЕГІЯ АТРАКЦІОНІВ/ELEGY FOR CIRCUS ATTRACTIONS -- БУДІВЛІ/EDIFICES -- РОЗМОВА СЕРДЕЦЬ/HEART-TO-HEART CONVERSATION -- Short Poems (1923–1927) -- Translators’ Essay: Just a Trick, Just a Flip -- Translator’s Essay: The Elegance of Bazhan’s Obscurity -- СУРМА ЮРМ/ZURMA SWARM -- РУРА-МАРШ/RUHR-MARCH -- АЕРО-МАРШ/AERO-MARCH -- МЕНЕ |
ЗЕЛЕНИХ НІГ/HOPS OF GREEN LEGS -- ЦИРК/CIRCUS -- Long Poems (1929) -- ГОФМАНОВА НIЧ/HOFFMANN’S NIGHT -- ГЕТТО В УMAHI/GETTO IN UMAN′ -- Blind Bards (1930–1931) -- Translator’s Essay -- СЛІПЦІ/BLIND BARDS -- Prose (1927) -- Translator’s Essay -- ЗУСТРІЧ НА ПЕРЕХРЕСНІЙ СТАНЦІІ: РОЗМОВА ТРЬОХ/ MEETING AT THE CROSSROAD STATION: A CONVERSATION BETWEEN THE THREE -- Afterword. From the Whirlpool of Creativity to Living on the Edge of a Psychological Abyss: Mykola Bazhan in the 1920s and 1930s -- Editors, Translators, and Contributing Writers -- Illustrations |
Sommario/riassunto |
This bilingual Ukrainian-English collection brings together the most interesting experimental works by Mykola (Nik) Bazhan, one of the major Ukrainian poets of the twentieth century. As he moved from futurism to neoclassicism, symbolism to socialist realism, Bazhan consistently displayed a creative approach to theme, versification, and vocabulary. Many poems from his three remarkable early collections (1926, 1927, and 1929) remain unknown to readers, both in Ukraine and the West. Because Bazhan was later forced into the straitjacket of officially sanctioned socialist realism, his early poetry has been neglected. This collection makes these outstanding works available for the first time. |
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