
Record Nr.



Heywood Thomas


The First and Second Partes Of King Edward the Fourth. Containing His Mery Pastime With the Tanner Of Tamwoorth, As Also His Loue To Fayre Mistresse Shoare, Her Great Promotion, Fall and Misery, and Lastly the Lamentable Death Of Both Her and Her Husband. Likewise the Besiedging Of London, By the Bastarde Falconbridge, and the Valiant Defence Of the Same By the Lord Maior and the Cittizens. As It Hath Diuers Times Beene Publiquely Played By the Right Honorable the Earle Of Derby His Seruants [[electronic resource]]


London, : Imprinted ... by I. W. for Iohn Oxenbridge [etc.], 1599

Descrizione fisica

1 online resource

Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico


Note generali

Preliminaries omitted. The following plays have been taken from this source: The First part of King Edward the Fourth. Containing his mery pastime with the Tanner of Tamwoorth, as also his loue to fayre Mistresse Shoare, her great promotion, fall & misery, & lastly the lamentable death of both her and her husband; The Second Part of King Edward the Fourth. Contayning his iourney into France, for obtayning of his right there: The trecherous falshood of the Duke of Burgundie, and the Constable of France vsed against him, and his returne home again. Likewise the prosecution of the historie of M. Shoare and his faire wife: Concluding with the lamentable death of them both.

