Titolo |
The coppie of a letter written from the Lo. Viscount of Gormanston unto Sir Phelim o' Neale [[electronic resource] ] : Which letter is all written by the Lord Gormanston's own hand, and was found in Sir Phelim O'Neale's cloak-bag, when on the 16. of Iune, 1642. the said Sir Phelim, Rory mac Gwyre, some of the mac Mahownes, the mac Genises, and mac Cartan, the o' Cahans, Coll Kittagh, mac Donells sons, and the rest of the rebells gathered from the severall counties of Tirone, Antrim, Armagh, Downe, Fermanagh and Donegall. : And also some out of the English pale, being in all 6000. foot and 500. horse were defeated in battle by Sir William Stewart, and by Sir Robert Stewart with part of their two regiments, 300. of Colonell Gore's regiment, foure companies from the Derry, and Capt. Dudley Phillips with his troope of 60. horse, in all not exceeding 2000. foot and 300. horse. : Whereunto is added Sir Robert Stewarts letter to the Right Honourable Sir Iohn Borlase knight, one of the lords iustices for the kingdome of Ireland |