Titolo |
A petition directed to her most excellent Maiestie [[electronic resource] ] : wherein is deliuered 1 A meane howe to compound the ciuill dissention in the church of England. 2 A proofe that they who write for reformation, doe not offend against the stat. of 23.Eliz.c. and therefore till matters bee compounded, deserue more fauour. Herevnto is aunexed: some opinions of such as sue for reformation: by vvhich it may appeare hovve vniustlie they are slaundered by the bishops, &c. pag. 53. Togither vvith the authours epistle to the reader. pag. 58. Also: certayne articles vvherein is discouered the negligence of the bishops ... lastlie: certayne quæstions or interrogatories dravven by a fauouer of reformation, vvherein he desireth to be resolued by the prelates, pag. 74 |