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Henry the Eyght by the Grace of God Kynge of Englande France and Irelande, Defendour of the Faith, and of the Churche of Englande, and also of Ireland, in Earthe the Supreme Heade [[electronic resource] ] : to the honour of Almyghtie God, & for the concorde, quiete, and wealthe of this his realme, and subiectes of the same, beganne this thirde session of his most high court of Parliament at Westminster, the XIIII. daie of Ianuarye, in the fiue and thyrty yere of His Maiesties moste noble and victorious reigne, and there held and continued the same thirde session tyll the xxix. day of Marche, in the sayd fiue and thirty yere, wherin were establishede these actes folowynge |