The traditional attribution to Thomas a ̀Kempis is disputed. |
A translation of: Imitatio Christi. |
First line of text, leaf A3r, reads "weth [and] [con]sidereth himselfe [and] vndersta[n]dith his owne". |
Imprint from colophon, book 3; publication date suggested by STC. |
With a final colophon leaf. |
Signatures: A-B C-P⁶ Q⁴. |
Formerly STC 23959. |
Identified as STC 23959 on UMI microfilm reel 449. |
The British Library copy on UMI microfilm reel 154 is imperfect; lacks all before leaf A3; the Cambridge University Library copy on reel 449 lacks colophon leaf. |
Reproductions of the originals in the British Library and the Cambridge University Library. |