Titolo |
Boetius de consolationae [sic] philosophiæ. = The boke of Boecius, called the comforte of philosophye, or wysedome [[electronic resource] ] : moche necessarỹ for all men to read and know, wherein suche as be in aduersitie, shall fynde muche consolation and comforte, and suche as be in great worldly prosperitie may knowe the vanitie and frailtie therof, and consequently fynde eternall felycytie. And this boke is in maner of a dialoge or communication betwene two persones, the one is Boecius, and the other is Philosophy, whose disputations and argumentes do playnly declare the diuersitie of the lyfe actiue, that consisteth in worldly, temporall, and transitory thynges. Translated out of latin into the Englyshe tongue by George Coluile, alias Coldewel, to thintent that such as be ignoraunt in the Latin tongue, and can rede Englyshe, maye vnderstande the same. And to the mergentes is added the Latin, accordynge to the boke of the translatour, whiche was a very olde prynte |