Frontmatter -- CONTENTS -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- Introduction -- ONE. Tracing the Individual Body: Photography, Detectives, and Early Cinema -- TWO. Unbinding Vision: Manet and the Attentive Observer in the Late Nineteenth Century -- THREE. Modernity, Hyperstimulus, and the Rise of Popular Sensationalism -- FOUR. The Poster in Fin-de-Siècle Paris: “That Mobile and Degenerate Art” -- FIVE. “A New Era of Shopping”: The Promotion of Women’s Pleasure in London’s West End, 1909-1914 -- SIX. Disseminations of Modernity: Representation and Consumer Desire in Early Mail-Order Catalogs -- SEVEN. The Perils of Pathé, or the Americanization of Early American Cinema¹ -- EIGHT. Panoramic Literature and the Invention of Everyday Genres -- NINE. Moving Pictures: Photography, Narrative, and the Paris Commune of 1871 -- TEN. In a Moment: Film and the Philosophy of Modernity -- ELEVEN. Cinematic Spectatorship before the Apparatus: The Public Taste for Reality in Fin-de-Siécle Paris -- TWELVE. Effigy and Narrative: Looking into the Nineteenth-Century Folk Museum -- THIRTEEN. America, Paris, the Alps: Kracauer (and Benjamin) on Cinema and |