Titolo |
Central'naja Azija v Kusanskuju Epoxy : Trudy Mezdunarodnoj Konferencii po Istorii, Arxeologii i Kulture Central'noj Azii v Kusanskuju Epoxu, Dusanbe, 27 Sentjabrja - 6 Oktjabrja 1998 g. / Opubl. Komitetom po Izuceniju Civilizacij Central'noj Azii Komissii SSSR po delam JUNESCO po kontraktu s JUNESCO = CentralAsia in the Kushan period : Proceedings of the International Conference of the History, Archaeology and Culture of Central Asia in the Kushan period, Dushanbe,September 27 - October 6 1998 / Publ. by the Committee on the Study of the Civilizations of Central Asia of the Commission of the USSR for UNESCO under contract with UNESCO |