The hidden language of power. Wild horses ; Falcons and the international language of authority ; Scales of justice ; Are dragons good or evil? ; Imperial eagles ; How a laurel wreath links emperors and poets ; When a column isn't a column ; Phoenixes and female power ; Next stop, elephant and castle ; Raging bulls ; The pear that terrorized a king ; The reason lions rule -- The hidden language of faith. Why do Jesus, Buddha, Mithra, and Vishnu all have haloes? ; Why your soul is a butterfly ; How the palm branch triumphed ; The wheel's revolution ; The power of doves ; Why the lily is the purest flower ; The hidden depths of a lotus ; Of eggs and origins ; The mystical, multi-dimensional rabbit ; The covert importance of goldfinches ; Rainbows : art, unity and optimism ; Holy grail, holy grapes -- The hidden language of uncertainty. Black mirrors ; The rise of the skull ; Wise owl? ; Cat lovers : don't read this ; The Illuminati, the Masons and the Eye of Providence ; Here's why you never trust a fox ; The scythe of time and death ; Lose yourself in a history of labyrinths ; Snakes : the good, the bad and the ugly ; An elegy to the poppy ; The corruption of a symbol : the swastika ; Before the bubble pops... -- The hidden language of hope. The never-ending symbol : ouroboros ; Paradise, power and |