Preface xv -- Acknowledgments xix -- About the Author xxi -- 1 Introduction to Reinforcement and Systemic Machine Learning 1 -- 1.1. Introduction 1 -- 1.2. Supervised, Unsupervised, and Semisupervised Machine Learning 2 -- 1.3. Traditional Learning Methods and History of Machine Learning 4 -- 1.4. What Is Machine Learning? 7 -- 1.5. Machine-Learning Problem 8 -- 1.6. Learning Paradigms 9 -- 1.7. Machine-Learning Techniques and Paradigms 12 -- 1.8. What Is Reinforcement Learning? 14 -- 1.9. Reinforcement Function and Environment Function 16 -- 1.10. Need of Reinforcement Learning 17 -- 1.11. Reinforcement Learning and Machine Intelligence 17 -- 1.12. What Is Systemic Learning? 18 -- 1.13. What Is Systemic Machine Learning? 18 -- 1.14. Challenges in Systemic Machine Learning 19 -- 1.15. Reinforcement Machine Learning and Systemic Machine Learning 19 -- 1.16. Case Study Problem Detection in a Vehicle 20 -- 1.17. Summary 20 -- 2 Fundamentals of Whole-System, Systemic, and Multiperspective Machine Learning 23 -- 2.1. Introduction 23 -- 2.2. |