Introduction: Slavery, Freedom, and Expansion in the Overextended Republic, 1787-1820 -- Ordinances, Limits, and Precedents, 1784-1796 -- "That Species of Property Already Exists": Natchez, Mississippi, 1795-1800 -- "Grant Us to Make Slaves of Others": The Louisiana Purchase, 1802-1805 -- Slaveholders' Democracy, the Union, and the Nation: Missouri, 1805-1820 -- "Hot Times about Slavery and Republicanism": Ohio, 1799-1802 -- Slaveholding Nationalism and Popular Antislavery Politics: Indiana and Illinois, 1801-1818 -- Making the "Free Northwest": Slavery and Freedom in Ohio and Indiana, 1790-1818 -- "The States or Territories which May Hereafter Be Admitted into the Union": The Missouri Crisis and the West -- Epilogue: Empire for Slavery, Empire for Freedom. |