The antebellum community: The land and the people -- The agricultural economy -- The non-agricultural economy -- Community institutions and social life -- Slavery: the peculiar institution -- Antebellum political life: conflict within consensus -- Secession and Civil War: The secession crisis, 1860-1861 -- The community at war, 1861-1865 -- Theophilus and Harriet Perry: "war makes its widows by the thousand" -- Reconstruction: Presidential reconstruction: May, 1865-March, 1867 -- Congressional reconstruction, March, 1865-April, 1870 -- Republican government, 1870-1878 -- "Redemption," 1879-1880 -- Threshold of the "New South" -- Harrison County in 1880: change and continuity since 1850 -- Appendices: The Census samples of 1850, 1860, 1870, and 1880 -- Non-heads of household in the population samples. |