
Record Nr.



Larner A. J


A dictionary of neurological signs / / A. J. Larner


New York, : Springer, 2010






[3rd ed.]

Descrizione fisica

1 online resource (378 p.)




Nervous system - Diseases - Diagnosis


Neurologic manifestations of general diseases


Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico


Note generali

Description based upon print version of record.

Nota di contenuto

Foreword to the First Edition; Preface to Third Edition; Acknowledgements; Contents; A; Abadies Sign; Abdominal Paradox; Abdominal Reflexes; Abducens (VI) Nerve Palsy; Abductor Sign; Absence; Abulia; Acalculia; Accommodation Reflex; Achilles Reflex; Achromatopsia; Acousticopalpebral Reflex; Action Dystonia; Action Myoclonus; Adiadochokinesia; Adies Syndrome, Adies Tonic Pupil; Adsons Test; Adventitious Movements; Affective Agnosia; Afferent Pupillary Defect (APD); Age-Related Signs; Ageusia; Agnosia; Agrammatism; Agraphaesthesia; Agraphia; Agraphognosia; Agrypnia; Akathisia; Akinesia

Akinetic MutismAkinetic-Rigid Syndrome; Akinetopsia; Alalia; Alexia; Alexithymia; Alice in Wonderland Syndrome; Alien Grasp Reflex; Alien Hand, Alien Limb; Alienation Du Mot; Alloacousia; Alloaesthesia; Allochiria; Allodynia; Allographia; Allokinesia, Allokinesis; Alternate Cover Test; Alternating Fist Closure Test; Alternating Sequences Test; Altitudinal Field Defect; Amaurosis; Amblyopia; Amimia; Amnesia; Amphigory; Amusia; Amyotrophy; Anaesthesia; Analgesia; Anal Reflex; Anarchic Hand; Anarithmetia; Anarthria; Angioscotoma; Angor Animi; Anhidrosis; Anismus; Anisocoria; Annular Scotoma

AnomiaAnosmia; Anosodiaphoria; Anosognosia; Anserina; Antecollis; Anteflexion; Antons Syndrome; Anwesenheit; Apallic Syndrome; Apathy; Aphasia; Aphemia; Aphonia; Applause Sign; Aposiopesis; Apraxia; Aprosexia; Aprosodia, Aprosody; Arc de Cercle; Arcuate Scotoma; Areflexia; Argyll Robertson Pupil (ARP); Arm Drop; Around The Clock Paralysis; Arthrogryposis; Asemasia; Asomatognosia; Astasia; AstasiaAbasia; Astereognosis; Asterixis; Asthenopia; Asynergia; Ataxia; Ataxic Hemiparesis; Ataxic Nystagmus; Athetosis; Athymhormia; Atrophy; Attended Alone Sign; Attention; Auditory Agnosia

AuditoryVisual SynaesthesiaAugmentation; Aura; Automatic Obedience; Automatic Writing Behaviour; Automatism; Autophony; Autoscopy; Autotopagnosia; B; Babinskis Sign (1); Babinskis Sign (2); Babinskis TrunkThigh Test; Bag of Worms; Balaclava Helmet; Balints Syndrome; Ballism, Ballismus; Bathing Suit Sensory Loss; Battles Sign; Beevors Sign; Belle Indiffrence; Bells Palsy; Bells Phenomenon, Bells Sign; Benediction Hand; Bent Spine Syndrome; Bielschowskys Sign, Bielschowskys Test; Binasal Hemianopia; Bitemporal Hemianopia; Blepharoptosis; Blepharospasm; Blindsight; Blind Spot; Blinking

Blink ReflexBody Part as Object; Bon-Bon Sign; Bouche de Tapir; Bovine Cough; Bradykinesia; Bradylalia; Bradyphrenia; Bragards Test; Brocas Aphasia; Brown-Squard Syndrome; Brudzinskis (Neck) Sign; Brueghels Syndrome; Bruit; Brushfield Spots; Bruxism; Buccofacial Dyspraxia; Buccolingual Syndrome; Bulbar Palsy; Bulbocavernosus Reflex; Buphthalmos; Butt-First Manoeuvre; C; Cacogeusia; Cacosmia; Calf Head Sign; Calf Hypertrophy; Caloric Testing; Camptocormia; Camptodactyly; Capgras Syndrome; Carphologia; Carpopedal Spasm; Catalepsy; Cataplexy; Catathrenia; Catatonia; Cauda Equina Syndrome

Central Scotoma, Centrocaecal Scotoma


The first two editions of A Dictionary of Neurological Signs were very well-received by readers and reviewers alike. Like those editions, this Third Edition, updated and expanded, can be almost as well described in terms of what the book is not, along with details about what it is. The Dictionary is not a handbook for treatment of neurological disorders. While many entries provide the latest treatment options, up-to-the-minute therapies are not discussed in bedside level detail. The Dictionary is not a board review book because it is not in Q&A format but could easily serve in that capacity since each entry is a fairly complete snapshot of a specific disorder or disease. The Dictionary is an alphabetical listing of commonly presenting neurological signs designed to guide the physician toward the correct clinical diagnosis. The Dictionary is focused, problem-based, concise and practical. The structured entries in this practical, clinical resource provide a thumbnail of a wide range of neurological signs. Each entry includes: • A definition of the sign • A brief account of the clinical technique required to elicit the sign • A description of the other signs which may accompany the index sign • An explanation of pathyophysiological and/or pharmacological background • Differential diagnosis • Brief treatment details Where known, these entries also include the neuroanatomical basis of the sign. A Dictionary of Neurological Signs, Third Edition, is an indispensable reference for all students, trainees, and clinicians who care for patients with neurological disorders.