
Record Nr.



Geslot Jean-Charles


Victor Duruy : Historien et ministre (1811-1894) / / Jean-Charles Geslot


Villeneuve d'Ascq, : Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2019



Descrizione fisica

1 online resource (424 p.)

Altri autori (Persone)



Educators - France

Historians - France

Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico



Fils d’artisan, Victor Duruy a connu un parcours scolaire, professionnel et social exemplaire, il est devenu ministre et académicien. Professeur dans les grands lycées parisiens, à l’École normale, à Polytechnique, inspecteur général, il devient ministre de l’Instruction publique en 1863 et accomplit, pendant six ans, une œuvre éducative considérable, l’une des plus importantes de l’époque contemporaine. Fondateur de l’École pratique des hautes études, il crée l’enseignement secondaire féminin et sa loi de 1867 marque une étape majeure dans le processus de scolarisation des Français. Duruy fut aussi un historien réputé, auteur de manuels scolaires et d’ouvrages de vulgarisation appréciés, et diffusés sur tous les continents. Leur popularité lui valut d’ailleurs d’être élu à l’Académie Française. Élève de Michelet, ministre de Napoléon iii, collaborateur de Louis Hachette, ami d’Ernest Lavisse, de Maxime Du Camp, de Jules Simon, professeur du duc d’Aumale et de Victorien Sardou, Duruy côtoya les plus importantes figures du monde politique et culturel de son temps. Cette biographie, la première, s’appuie sur de nombreuses archives, privées et publiques, des correspondances et des témoignages, permettant de mieux connaître la vie publique et privée du ministre. Cet essai de biographie « totale » dresse le portrait d'un personnage emblématique du xixe siècle Français.


Record Nr.



Hirschfeld J. W. P (James William Peter), <1940->


Algebraic curves over a finite field / / J. W. P. Hirschfeld, G. Korchmaros, F. Torres


Princeton, New Jersey : , : Princeton University Press, , 2008





[Course Book]

Descrizione fisica

1 online resource (717 p.)


Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics


SK 240




Curves, Algebraic

Finite fields (Algebra)

Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico


Note generali

Description based upon print version of record.

Nota di bibliografia

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Nota di contenuto

Front matter -- Contents -- Preface -- PART 1. General theory of curves -- Chapter One. Fundamental ideas -- Chapter Two. Elimination theory -- Chapter Three. Singular points and intersections -- Chapter Four. Branches and parametrisation -- Chapter Five. The function field of a curve -- Chapter Six. Linear series and the Riemann-Roch Theorem -- Chapter Seven. Algebraic curves in higher-dimensional spaces -- PART 2. Curves over a finite field -- Chapter Eight. Rational points and places over a finite field -- Chapter Nine. Zeta functions and curves with many rational points -- PART 3. Further developments -- Chapter Ten. Maximal and optimal curves -- Chapter Eleven. Automorphisms of an algebraic curve -- Chapter Twelve. Some families of algebraic curves -- Chapter Thirteen. Applications: codes and arcs -- Appendix A. Background on field theory and group theory -- Appendix B. Notation -- Bibliography -- Index


This book provides an accessible and self-contained introduction to the theory of algebraic curves over a finite field, a subject that has been of fundamental importance to mathematics for many years and that has essential applications in areas such as finite geometry, number theory, error-correcting codes, and cryptology. Unlike other books, this one emphasizes the algebraic geometry rather than the function field approach to algebraic curves. The authors begin by developing the

general theory of curves over any field, highlighting peculiarities occurring for positive characteristic and requiring of the reader only basic knowledge of algebra and geometry. The special properties that a curve over a finite field can have are then discussed. The geometrical theory of linear series is used to find estimates for the number of rational points on a curve, following the theory of Stöhr and Voloch. The approach of Hasse and Weil via zeta functions is explained, and then attention turns to more advanced results: a state-of-the-art introduction to maximal curves over finite fields is provided; a comprehensive account is given of the automorphism group of a curve; and some applications to coding theory and finite geometry are described. The book includes many examples and exercises. It is an indispensable resource for researchers and the ideal textbook for graduate students.