Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Contents -- Foreword -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Writers and Teachers, Part 1 -- Eulogy 2," by Martin Williams -- All I Can Do Is Words," by Bryson L. Cole -- Showing Up," by Anna Plemons -- 1. Getting Inside: Measuring Something Other Than Progress -- Writers and Teachers, Part 2 -- Why I Write," by Harry B. Grant Jr. -- The Circle," by Wayne Vaka -- Ceremony," by Anna Plemons -- 2. The Process of Re-Membering: The Case for Relationality as Decolonial Practice -- Writers and Teachers, Part 3 -- 1st Yard," by Adam Hinds -- Guntower Homily," by Michael L. Owens -- 'Year of Jubilee," by Anna Plemons -- 3. Toward Relational Methodologies: Learning from the Work of Indigenous Scholars -- Writers and Teachers, Part 4 -- Tommy," by Adam Hinds -- The Fist Pump," by Hung-Linh "Ronnie" Hoang -- Getting Healthy," by Anna Plemons -- 4. Opportunities and Options: Relationality at New Folsom -- Writers and Teachers, Part 5 -- Family," by Andrew Molino -- Sing Me a Song," by Ken Blackburn -- 'The Tier Tender," by Anna Plemons -- Afterword: Ethics and Implications: A Discussion with an Author, an Editor, and an Indigenous Scholar -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index -- Author. |