First Pamela Koutrakos delivered a systematic approach to inquiry-based, student-centered, and joyful word study in her book Word Study That Sticks. Now, in The Word Study That Sticks Companion, Koutrakos offers tools and resources to help teachers put those structures, lessons, and routines into action. Loaded with teacher-facing resources such as planning and assessment tools, and student-facing tools such as reproducible minicharts, choice checklists, and self-assessments, The Word Study That Sticks Companion includes • Ready-to-go materials that greatly minimize the time teachers spend preparing, creating, and revamping word study lessons • More than 100 student-friendly, reproducible minicharts for student notebooks that summarize the routines in each area of word study and support robust word learning • Twenty brand-new word study lessons to extend the learning throughout the year and across content areas Ideas for word study notebooks and choice charts that give students ownership of daily practice • Suggestions for replicating many routines and tools in a digital format • Customizable cycle schedules, checklists, look-fors, planning guides, record-keeping forms, and other tools that help teachers crystalize priorities, organize instruction, and adapt for |