Frontmatter -- The debate is open / Blommaert, Jan -- Locating power: Corsican translators and their critics / Jaffe, Alexandra -- The ideology of dialect in Switzerland / Watts, Richard J. -- Language ideological debates in an Olympic city: Barcelona 1992-1996 / DiGiacomo, Susan M. -- Heated language in a cold climate / Heller, Monica -- he debate on bilingual education in the U.S.: Language ideology as reflected in the practice of bilingual teachers / Shannon, Sheila M. -- The Ebonics controversy in context: Literacies, subjectivities, and language ideologies in the United States / Collins, James -- Singapore's Speak Mandarin Campaign: Language ideological debates in the imagining of the nation / Bokhorst-Heng, Wendy -- Linguistic and political attitudes towards Israeli Hebrew: Ongoing revival versus normalcy / Kuzar, Ron -- Politics, ideology and poetic form: The literary debate in Tanzania / Madumulla, Joshua / Bertoncini, Elena / Blommaert, Jan -- Portuguese as ideology and politics in Mozambique: Semiotic (re)constructions of a postcolony / Stroud, Christopher -- Flemish nationalism in the Belgian Congo versus Zairian anti-imperialism: Continuity and discontinuity in language ideological debates / Meeuwis, Michael -- The debate is closed / Blommaert, Jan -- Name index -- Subject index -- Backmatter |