
Record Nr.



Cameroon : : 2013 Article IV Consultation


Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2013





Descrizione fisica

1 online resource (110 p.)


IMF Staff Country Reports


Economic development - Cameroon


Exports and Imports


Public Finance



International Lending and Debt Problems


Debt Management

Sovereign Debt

Energy: Demand and Supply


National Government Expenditures and Related Policies: General

General Aggregative Models: General

Public finance & taxation

International economics

Energy industries & utilities

Budgeting & financial management

Econometrics & economic statistics

Public debt

Energy subsidies

External debt


Public financial management (PFM)


Debts, External

Debts, Public

Expenditures, Public


Finance, Public

National income

Cameroon Economic conditions


Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico


Note generali

"September 2013."

Nota di contenuto

Cover; CONTENTS; GLOSSARY; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; M; N; P; R; S; T; U; V; W; ECONOMIC STASIS; FIGURES; 1. Public Debt, 2005-12; 2. Nominal GDP, 2012; BOX; 1. Response to Past IMF Advice; 3. Selected Economic Indicators, 2008-12; 4. Government Arrears and Payment Obligations, 2009-12; BALANCED OUTLOOK WITH MODERATE RISKS; 5. Medium-Term Outlook, 2013-18; POLICY DISCUSSION: UNLEASHING HIGH GROWTH POTENTIAL; 6. Power Supply, 2010-18; A. Containing Risks to the 2013 Budget; B. Mitigating Risks to Medium-Term Fiscal Sustainability; C. Strengthening Public Financial Management

D. Promoting Sound Financial IntermediationE. Fostering Higher Growth; F. Reform Scenario; STAFF APPRAISAL; TABLES; 1. Selected Economic and Financial Indicators, 2011-18; 2. Central Government Operations, 2011-18; 3. Central Government Operations, 2011-18; 4. Balance of Payments, 2011-18; 5. Monetary Survey, 2011-18; 6. Obligations to SONARA, 2007-12; 7. Government Arrears and Other Payment Obligations, 2009-12; 8. Central Government Operations, 2011-18 (GFSM2001 Presentation); 9. Central Government Operations, 2011-18 (GFSM2001 Presentation)

10. Reform Scenario-Selected Economic and Financial Indicators, 2011-1811. Reform Scenario-Central Government Operations, 2011-18; 12. Reform Scenario-Central Government Operations, 2011-18; 13. Millennium Development Goals, 1990-2011; ANNEX; I. Risk Assessment Matrix; APPENDICES; I. Fuel Subsidies; II. Financial Sector Review; III. External Competitiveness; CONTENTS; RELATIONS WITH THE FUND; JOINT IMF-WORLD BANK WORK PROGRAM, 2013-14; STATISTICAL ISSUES; STAFF REPORT FOR THE 2013 ARTICLE IV CONSULTATION-DEBT SUSTAINABILITY ANALYSIS; BACKGROUND; UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS; TABLES

Text Table 1. Cameroon: Stock of Public Debt, 2006-12Text Table 2. Cameroon: Domestic Debt Components, 2011 -12; Text Table 3. Cameroon: Key Macroeconomic Assumptions, 2012 -33; BOX; Box 1. Cameroon: Macroeconomic Assumptions for the Baseline Scenario; Text Table 4. Cameroon: Allocation of New External Commitments Since 2010; Text Table 5. Cameroon: New External Borrowing Baseline, 2013-33; Text Table 6. Cameroon: Committed but Non-Disbursed Loans, 2010-12; Text Table 7. Cameroon: Country Policy and Institutional Assessment Ratings, 2007-11; EXTERNAL DEBT SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT

A. Baseline ScenarioB. Alternative Scenario and Stress Tests; PUBLIC SECTOR DEBT SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT; Text Table 8. Cameroon: Baseline Debt Ratios, 2013-33; CONCLUSION; FIGURE; Figure 1. Cameroon: Indicators of Public and Publicly Guaranteed External Debt under Alternatives Scenarios, 2013-2033 0; Figure 2. Cameroon:

Indicators of Public Debt Un Under Alternative Scenarios, 2013 der -2033; Table 1. Cameroon: Public Sector Debt Sustainability Framework, Baseline Scenario, 2010-2033; Table 2. Cameroon: Sensitivity Analysis for Key Indicators of Public Debt 2013-2033

Table 3a.: External Debt Sustainability Framework, Baseline Scenario, 2010-2033


This paper presents key discussions of Cameroon’s 2013 Article IV Consultation. Economic activity in Cameroon has continued to recover gradually from the global financial crisis in 2008–2009, and inflation has remained subdued. In light of growing vulnerabilities, the report suggests to adopt a plan to reduce fuel subsidies gradually, accompanied by targeted social programs for the neediest, to free up resources for public investment. It is also necessary to accelerate resolution of distressed banks and enhance the regulatory framework to promote lending.