Front matter -- Preface -- Contents -- Part I -- Social contexts of language death / Brenzinger, Matthias / Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. -- Theory of language death / Sasse, Hans-Jürgen -- Codeswitching as a mechanism of deep borrowing, language shift, and language death / Myers-Scotton, Carol -- Language decay and contact-induced change: Similarities and differences / Sasse, Hans-Jürgen -- Part II -- East African case studies / Brenzinger, Matthias -- The fate of ethnic languages in Tanzania / Batibo, Herman -- Language shift in Tanzania / Legère, Karsten -- Reduction in Kore reconsidered / Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. -- Dahalo: An endangered language / Tosco, Mauro -- Language death and the origin of strata: Two case studies of Swahili dialects / Möhlig, Wilhelm J. G. -- Chifundi and Vumba: Partial shift, no death / Nurse, Derek / Walsh, Martin -- Lexical retention in language shift: Yaaku/Mukogodo-Maasai and Elmolo/Elmolo-Samburu / Brenzinger, Matthias -- Dialect death: The case of Terik / Heine, Bernd -- Language shift among the Suba of Kenya / Rottland, Franz / Okombo, Duncan Okoth -- 175 years of language shift in Gweno / Winter, Christoph -- Part III -- A survey on language death in Africa / |