Front matter -- Introduction -- Linguistic synchrony and diachrony on the roof of the world - The study of Himalayan languages / Saxena, Anju -- Descriptive linguistics -- A grammatical comparison of Shina dialects / Schmidt, Ruth Laila -- Retroflex vowels and other peculiarities in the Kalasha sound system / Heegård, Jan / Mørch, Ida Elisabeth -- Direction and differential dative case marking in Magar / Grunow-Hårsta, Karen -- Thangmi kinship terminology in comparative perspective / Turin, Mark -- Hidden syntax in Belhare / Bickel, Balthasar -- On the notion of sentence in Classical Tibetan / Oetke, Claus -- On discourse functions of the finite verb in Kinnauri narratives / Saxena, Anju -- Language change -- Preverbal modifiers in Sunwar / Winter, Werner -- Directional prefixes in Kathmandu Newar / Hargreaves, David -- Grammaticalization of deictic motion verbs in Seke / Honda, Isao -- "Do" as subordinator in Tshangla / Andvik, Erik -- Morphosyntactic transparency in Bantawa / Gvozdanović, Jadranka -- Areal semantics - Is there such a thing? / Matisoff, James A. -- Shafer's proto-West Bodish hypothesis and the formation of the Tibetan verb paradigms / Bielmeier, Roland -- Newaric and Mahakiranti / van Driem, George -- Subject index -- Language index |