This IBM Redbooks publication and sample code provide IT Architects, IT Specialists, and Developers with the critical knowledge to design, develop, deploy, and manage a portal based document management system using IBM WebSphere Portal V5.0.2 and IBM DB2 Content Manager V8.2. In Part 1, “Introduction to document management”, we introduce key concepts of a document management system and highlight the solution software products and versions. Next we take an in-depth look into the architecture and design guidelines for the runtime and development environment topologies, application architecture, data model, workflow, authentication and authorization. In Part 2, “Portal document management solution”, we provide an end-to-end working example including requirements and solution design, runtime and development environment implementation, application and data model design and development, application deployment, and administration. The appendices contain additional information, among which is a description of several out of the box alternatives for portal based document management using WebSphere Portal and DB2 Content Manager. Please note that the additional material referenced in the text is not available from IBM. |