The Patterns for e-business are a group of proven, reusable assets that can speed the process of developing applications. The Portal composite pattern combines Business and Integration patterns to help implement a portal solution. This is an update of the IBM Redbooks publication A Portal Composite Pattern Using WebSphere V4.1, SG24-6869, and is based on WebSphere Portal V5. This book updates the Portal composite, Application, and Runtime patterns and Product mappings, and provides design for building Portal solutions. Part 1 of this publication describes a business scenario that can be well served by the use of a portal. It guides you through the process of choosing the Business and Integration patterns of the Composite pattern and then drilling down to the Application and Runtime pattern and Product mapping to deliver the desired functionality of the Portal composite pattern. Part 2 provides a set of guidelines for choosing among technology options and guidelines for application design and development. Background information about WebSphere Portal Version |