Timothy Asch in America and Australia / E. D. Lewis -- An ethnographic gaze: scenes in the anthropological life of Timothy Asch / Douglas Harper -- Man, a course of study: situating Tim Asch's pedagogy and ethnographic films / Nancy C. Lutkehaus -- At the beginning: Tim Asch in the early 1960s / Peter Loizos -- Efforts and events in a long collaboration: working with Tim Asch on ethnographic films on Roti in eastern Indonesia / James J. Fox -- From event to ethnography: film-making and ethnographic research in Tania 'Ai, Flores, eastern Indonesia / E. D. Lewis -- The consequences of conation: pedagogy and the inductive films of an ethical film-maker / Greg Acciaioli -- Producing culture: shifting representations of social theory in the films of Tim Asch / Faye Ginsburg -- Subjects, images, voices: representations of gender in the films of Timothy Asch / Linda H. Connor and Patsy Asch -- Timothy Asch, the rise of visual anthropology, and the Human Studies Film Archives / John P. Homiak -- Tim Asch, otherness, and film reception / Wilton Martnez -- What really happened: a reassessment of The ax fight / Bill Nichols -- The ax fight on CD-ROM / Peter Biella -- Person, event, and the location of the |