The path to the presidency -- The leaders and best -- Institutional saga -- The Michigan saga -- A heritage of leadership -- Michigan's character as a trailblazer -- The role of institutional saga in presidential leadership -- The "what," "how," and "who" of the university presidency -- The path to the presidency -- Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor; rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief . . . and university president -- The academic leadership ladder -- The path to the Michigan White House -- On to Michigan -- Trapped in the gravitational pull of academic administration -- On the brink -- The presidential search -- The search process -- The presidential search : a victim's perspective -- A postmortem -- Some advice for presidential search committees and university governing boards -- Some advice for candidates for university presidencies -- So what are we supposed to do now? -- Presidential leadership -- Presidential leadership -- The elements of presidential leadership -- Several unique aspects of university leadership -- The many styles and philosophies of presidential leadership -- Adapting leadership styles to the times and the institution -- A matter of personal style -- Movers and shakers, pushers and coasters: the impact of the presidency -- Leadership for a |