The volume Intorno a Boccaccio / Boccaccio and surroundings2017 was born from the international seminar held in Certaldo on 16 September 2017, promoted by the Giovanni Boccaccio National Organization and now in its fourth edition. The annual seminar aims to give a voice to young scholars, who are invited to present researches that have just finished or are still in progress. The volume, alongside contributions on the Decameron, stands out for its attention to other works by Boccaccio (Buccolicum carmen, Teseida, De casibus virorum illustrium), for the examination of themes that cross several works (Boccaccio and the empire, the biography by Homer) and for three contributions focused on the Fortlebendi works and Boccaccian themes. Stefano Zamponi, professor of Latin Paleography at the University of Florence, has been president of the Giovanni Boccaccio National Body. He deals with research relating to the history of writing and the manuscript book, with particular attention to the late Middle Ages and the humanistic age. |