1. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910595062303321 |
Autore |
Turok-Squire Ruby |
Titolo |
COVID-19 and education in the Global North : storytelling and alternative pedagogies / / Ruby Turok-Squire |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer International Publishing, , [2022] |
©2022 |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (191 pages) |
Disciplina |
Soggetti |
Educational change |
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- - Influence |
Pandèmia de COVID-19, 2020- |
Reforma de l'educació |
Influència |
Llibres electrònics |
Hemisferi nord |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Nota di contenuto |
Intro -- Foreword -- The Story of COVID-19 and Education in the Global North: Storytelling and Alternative Pedagogies -- Contents -- Notes on Contributors -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Introduction -- References -- Reimagining Education in a Pandemic: Children and Young People as Powerful Educators -- Introduction -- Recovering from Disaster: Power Shifts and the Importance of Pedagogy -- Theory Matters: Praxis and Thinking Relationally -- The Virtual Social Action Makerspace, New York City: Lou Lahana -- Background and Context -- The Framework: Positive Youth Development -- Implementation -- A Menu of Choices -- Momentum Builds -- Reflections -- The Harkaway Primary School Bushfire Safety Committee, Naarm, (Melbourne): Briony Towers and Leigh Johnson -- Background and Context -- The Framework: Critical Pedagogy of Place -- Implementation -- Bushfire Education for Kids: A Manifesto from Harkaway Primary School -- Reflections -- Conclusion -- References -- Silver Linings? Teachers' Reappraisals of Children's |
Education in England During the First COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown -- Introduction -- COVID-19 and Education in England -- Education in England Before and During COVID-19 -- Methods -- Research Design -- Sampling and Participants -- Data Collection -- Data Analysis -- Research Ethics -- Findings -- Improved Learning Behaviours -- Innovative Teaching and Learning -- Extra Support -- Holistic Approach -- Discussion -- Conclusion -- References -- Holes, Patches and Multiple Hats: The Experiences of Parents of Students with Special Education Needs Navigating At-Home Learning During COVID-19 -- Method -- Participants -- Data Collection -- Analyses -- Findings -- Holes and Patches in Support Nets -- School and Teachers: What Do We Want? What Can They Offer? -- Choosing Pandemic Priorities -- I Was a Parent. Now I'm a Teacher and a Parent. |
Stress and Hardship: This Is Just. So. Hard -- Discussion -- Perceived Support and Parent Efficacy -- Parents' Mental Health -- Parent Involvement -- Conclusion -- References -- Opening the World During Lockdown: Multilingual and Multicultural Experiences for Learners in Wales Through Mentoring -- Introduction -- Context -- A Global Challenge to Education -- Education in Wales Before and During COVID-19 -- Languages Education in Wales -- Teacher Views on COVID-19 and Language Learning in Wales -- Implementation and Impact of the Post-16 Languages Recovery Project -- Research Design -- Multilingual and Multicultural Experiences -- Near-Peer and Discussion-Based Learning -- Curiosity-Driven Learning -- Aspiration -- Confidence -- Conclusion -- References -- The Lessons of COVID for Climate Pedagogy with Young People: Learning to Navigate Urgency -- COVID, Climate and Crisis Pedagogies -- Crisis Response and the Curriculum -- Generating Paradigms of Climate Education -- Four Paradigms of Climate Education and the Lessons of COVID-19 -- Do Your Bit -- Apocalypse Soon -- Manifestos and Microcosms -- Emotionally Reflexive Pedagogies -- Conclusion: Stories and Active Hope -- References -- Emergency Children's Literature: Rapidly Representing COVID-19 in Digital Texts for Young People in the United Kingdom -- Introduction -- Conceptualising COVID-19 and Childhood: Theoretical and International Contexts -- Methodology -- Critical Content Analysis -- Mainstream Titles -- Organisational and Charity Titles -- Self-Published Titles -- Discussion -- Conclusion -- References -- Bibliography of Emergency Children's Literature About COVID-19 -- Index. |
2. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910758498603321 |
Titolo |
Digitale Autor:innenschaft : Praktiken und Politiken schriftstellerischer Selbstinszenierung / / hrsg. von Paul Wolff |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Bielefeld : , : transcript Verlag, , [2023] |
©2023 |
Edizione |
[1st ed.] |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (276 p.) |
Collana |
Literatur in der digitalen Gesellschaft ; ; 7 |
Disciplina |
Soggetti |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Nota di contenuto |
Frontmatter -- Inhalt -- Einleitung: Digitale Autor:innenschaft -- Ökonomien digitaler Autor:innenschaft -- Produzieren um jeden Preis, Autor:innenschaft am eigenen Leib -- Dies ist keine Kunst -- Inszenierte Intimität -- Intimes Schreiben? -- WHEN I TYPE ABOUT SOMETHING THAT FEELS SHITTY TO ME -- Publizieren/Performen -- Wer ist digitale Autor:in und wie? -- Der Rhythmus der Twitter-Prosa -- Lese- und Schreibperformances -- Lesungen live und für immer -- Politiken digitaler Autor:innenschaft -- Elfriede Jelineks digitale Autor:innenschaft -- Politische Autor:innenschaft auf und mit Twitter -- Naturschutz und Autismus -- Autor:innenverzeichnis |
Sommario/riassunto |
Im digitalen Zeitalter rücken Autor:innen auf neue Weise in den Fokus der literarischen Öffentlichkeit: Wollen sie erfolgreich sein, müssen sie auch (sich selbst) performen. Die Beiträger:innen fragen nach den Funktionen und Erscheinungsformen auktorialer Performanz in Weblogs, Social Media und auf anderen digitalen Bühnen, die im Zuge der Covid-Pandemie einen Boom erlebten. Neben den ökonomischen Zusammenhängen interessieren sie sich insbesondere für die politische Dimension digitaler Selbstinszenierung und decken damit eine neuartige Komplexität moderner Schriftsteller:innen auf. |
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