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Record Nr. |
UNINA9910462991103321 |
Autore |
Carvalho Leandro |
Titolo |
Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V cookbook [[electronic resource] ] : over 50 simple but incredibly effective recipes for mastering the administration of Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V / / Leandro Carvalho |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Birminghan, UK, : Packt Pub., 2012 |
1-283-96116-4 |
1-84968-443-X |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (305 p.) |
Disciplina |
Soggetti |
Operating systems (Computers) |
Electronic books. |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Note generali |
Nota di contenuto |
Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; Acknowledgement; About the Reviewers; www.PacktPub.com; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Installing and Managing Hyper-V in Full or Server Core Mode; Introduction; Verifying Hyper-V requirements; Enabling the Hyper-V role; Installing Windows Server 2012 and Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012; Managing a Server Core installation using sconfig; Enabling and disabling the graphical interface in Hyper-V; Configuring post installation settings; Chapter 2: Migrating and Upgrading Physical and Virtual Servers; Introduction |
Performing an in-place upgrade from Windows Server 2008 R2 to WindowsServer 2012; Exporting and importing virtual machines; Migrating virtual machines and updating their integration services; Converting VHD files to VHDX files; Migrating Virtual Machine storage using storage migration; Migrating the virtual machines using Shared Nothing Live Migration; Converting physical computers to virtual machines; Chapter 3: Managing Disk and Network Settings; Introduction; Creating and adding virtual hard disks; Configuring IDE and SCSI controllers for virtual machines; Creating resource pools |
Creating and managing virtual switchesUsing advanced settings for virtual networks; Enabling and adding NIC teaming to a virtual machine; |
Configuring and adding Hyper-V Virtual Fibre Channel to virtual machines; Chapter 4: Saving Time and Cost with Hyper-V Automation; Introduction; Installing and running Hyper-V from a USB stick; Creating virtual machine templates; Working and learning basic commands in PowerShell; Using small PowerShell commands for daily tasks; Enabling and working with remote connection and administration through; PowerShell |
Chapter 5: Hyper-V Best Practices, Tips, and TricksIntroduction; Using the Hyper-V Best Practices Analyzer; Setting up dynamic memory for virtual machines; Enabling remote management for Hyper-V in workgroup environments; Installing and configuring anti-virus on host and virtual machines; Chapter 6: Security and Delegation of Control; Introduction; Configuring Windows Update for Hyper-V; Configuring Cluster-Aware Updating for cluster nodes; Delegating control in Hyper-V; Configuring Port ACLs; Installing and configuring BitLocker for data protection; Configuring Hyper-V auditing |
Chapter 7: Configuring High Availability in Hyper-VIntroduction; Installing and configuring an iSCSI Target server in Windows Server 2012; Installing and configuring the Windows Failover Clustering feature; Enabling Cluster Shared Volumes 2.0; Using Live Migration in a cluster environment; Configuring VM Priority for Clustered Virtual Machines; Chapter 8: Disaster Recovery for Hyper-V; Introduction; Backing up Hyper-V and virtual machines using Windows Server Backup; Restoring Hyper-V and virtual machines using Windows Server Backup |
Configuring Hyper-V Replica between two Hyper-V Hosts using HTTP authentication |
Sommario/riassunto |
Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Cookbook is a practical cookbook packed with recipes showing and explaining all the features and components of Hyper-V. You'll learn from best practices, tips and tricks and examples of how to automate daily and common tasks. If you are an administrator who wants to master Microsoft Server Virtualization with Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V, then this book is for you. You should be comfortable with virtualization concepts and practices, and knowledge of previous versions of Windows Server would be an advantage. |
2. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910720567203321 |
Titolo |
MIMOS 2016 : Theater HORA / / Anne Fournier and [three others], editors |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Bern : , : Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, , 2016 |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (328 pages) |
Collana |
MIMOS - Schweizer Theater-Jahrbuch ; ; 78 |
Disciplina |
Soggetti |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Nota di bibliografia |
Includes bibliographical references. |
Nota di contenuto |
Cover; Isabelle Chassot; Heldinnen und Helden des Möglichkeitssinns: Vorwort; Der Schweizer Grand Prix Theater / Hans-Reinhart-Ring 2016 geht an das Theater HORA. Herzliche Gratulation!; Le sens du possible a aussi ses héros: Préface; Le Grand Prix suisse de théâtre / Anneau Hans Reinhart 2016 va au Théâtre HORA. Nos cordiales félicitations!; Eroi ed eroine del senso della possibilità: Prefazione; Il Gran Premio svizzero di teatro / Anello Hans Reinhart 2016 è assegnato al Theater HORA. Complimenti vivissimi!; Heroes and Heroines of the Possible: Preface. The Swiss Grand Award for Theatre / Hans Reinhart Ring 2016 goes to Theater HORA. Congratulations!Kaa Linder; Laudatio der Jury; Laudatio du jury; Laudatio della giuria; The Jury's Statement; Anne Fournier; D'abord pour jouer; Vor allem: um zu spielen; Soprattutto: per fare teatro; The Play's the Thing; Daniele Muscionico; Auf der Suche nach der Zeit; En quête du temps; Alla ricerca del tempo; In Search of Time; Milo Rau; Anarchie und Ordnung; Anarchie et ordre; Anarchia e ordine; Anarchy and Order; Marcel Bugiel and Isabelle Ginot; Présupposer la poésie; Poétiques singulières. Théâtre, normes et regardsPoesie voraussetzen; Einzigartige Poetiken; Theater, Normen und Blicke; Presupporre la poesia; Poetiche singolari; Teatro, norme e sguardi; Presupposing Poetry; Singular Poetics; Theatre, Norms and Visions; Benjamin Wihstutz; Lust am Scheitern; Behinderung als künstlerisches Potential; Scheitern als Chance; Ketty Ghnassia; Präsenz in Jérôme Bels Inszenierung Disabled Theater und die Figur des 9 eistig Behinderten: Körperlichkeit in Aufführungen; Geistig behinderte Laien; |
Unüberwindbare Machtstruktur; Kati Kroß; Matthias Brücker: Augen auf ich komme! Wahrnehmungsmodi von Schauspielenden mit BehinderungBlossstellung?; Surplus einer ästhetischen Wahrnehmung; Pascale Caemerbeke; Venir voir Disabled Theater de latroupe HORA; Un cadre juridique et un élan; Un statut; Une essentialisation du handicap?; Une pensée dualiste?; Venir voir et le voyeurismeDans l'émission La Dispute23 de France Culture; Processus de transformation; Giulia Innocenti Malini; Attorialità performative sul confine tra vita e teatro; Sulla presenza dell'attore; Oltre la narrazione, il corpo costretto; La necessità di questa non-necessità; Yvonne Schmidt. Ordnungen des Inszenierens: Theater als freie RepublikFrankie Thomas: Der Regisseur als Gott, DJund Zombie-Macher; Tiziana Pagliaro: Inszenieren als offene Suche; Sarah Marinucci; Freie Republik HORA: Vom "Sprechen über" zum "Sprechen mit" Darstellenden mit geistiger Behinderung; Neue Formen des Austauschs zwischen Darstellenden und Publikum; Paola Gilardi; "Wir sind alle wie wildes Schilf gewachsene Performerinnen und Performer"; Andreas Klaeui; Kann man sich mit Boxhandschuhen streicheln?; Bühnenpräsenz und klare Weltsicht; Spontaneität und Druck; Die Authentizität in der Form. |
Sommario/riassunto |
Theater HORA, 1993 in Zürich als Kulturwerkstatt für Menschen mit einer geistigen Behinderung entstanden, erobert heute als «freie Republik» die Bühnen weltweit. Dem breiten Spektrum der künstlerischen Arbeit und den aktuellsten Entwicklungen dieses einzigartigen Projekts gilt das vorliegende Buch. Le Théâtre HORA, créé à Zurich en 1993 comme atelier culturel pour personnes en situation de handicap mental, conquiert aujourd'hui les scènes du monde en tant que « République libre ». Le présent ouvrage se penche sur le large spectre du travail artistique de ce projet unique et sur ses audaces les plus actuelles. Il Theater HORA, fondato nel 1993 come laboratorio artistico per persone con una disabilità mentale, è divenuto oggi una «Libera Repubblica» alla conquista della scena internazionale. Il presente volume analizza l'ampio ventaglio dell'espressione artistica e l'evoluzione più recente di questo progetto unico nel suo genere. Theater HORA, which began in Zurich in 1993 as a cultural workshop for people with a mental disability, is today conquering stages around the world as a «free republic». The present book is devoted to the broad spectrum of artistic work and most recent developments of this unique project. |
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