
Record Nr.



Trément Frédéric


Archéologie d’un paysage : Les étangs de Saint-Blaise (Bouches-du-Rhône) / / Frédéric Trément


Paris, : Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2021

Paris : , : Maison des sciences de l'homme, , 1999



Descrizione fisica

1 online resource (314 pages) : illustrations, maps ; ; digital file (PDF)


Documents d'archéologie française, , 0769-010X ; ; 74




Social Sciences


Excavations (Archaeology) - France - Saint-Mitre-les-Remparts Region

Excavations (Archaeology)

Saint-Blaise Site (France)

Saint-Mitre-les-Remparts Region (France) Antiquities

France Saint-Blaise Site

France Saint-Mitre-les-Remparts Region


Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico


Nota di contenuto

This work presents the findings of research conducted from 1988 to 1993 near the étang de Berre.On the basis of systematic surveying, soundings and the excavation of a Gallo - Roman establishment, F Trément situates the major sites of Saint-Blaise and the Fossæ Marianæ in a globally and dynamically perceived space.Using earth and life sciences (geomorphology, sedimentology, palynology…). and with recourse to texts and iconography, the archaeologist broadens his focus, to encompass the landscape in its entirety. This microregion is characterised by numerous closed depressions, which explain the high population density during the Neolithic, the Iron Age and in Antiquity, and constitute sedimentary records of the evolution of the surroundings.The author seeks to understand how the successive waterside communities adapted to this shifting and harsh environment,

how they appropriated the space and set about exploiting it, more or less consciously, leaving their mark, more or less enduring.


Cet ouvrage présente les résultats de recherches conduites de 1988 h 1993 près de l’étang de Berre.  Des prospections systématiques, des sondages et la fouille d’un établissement gallo-romain ont permis a F. Trément de replacer les sites majeurs de Saint-Blaise et des Fossæ Marianæ dans un espace appréhendé de façon globale et dynamique.  Le recours aux sciences de la Terre et de la Vie (géomorphologie, sédimentologie, palynologie .), aux textes et a l’iconographie autorise l’archéologue à élargir le champ de ses préoccupations à l’ensemble du paysage. Les nombreuses dépressions fermées qui caractérisent cette microrégion et expliquent son peuplement très dense au Néolithique, à l’âge du Fer et dans l’Antiquité constituent de véritables enregistreurs sédimentaires de l’évolution du milieu.  L’auteur s’attache à examiner comment les communautés riveraines successives se sont adaptées à ce milieu changeant et contraignant, se sont approprié l’espace, l’ont organisé pour l’exploiter, y ont laissé leur marque, plus ou moins consciente, plus ou moins durable  This work presents the findings of research conducted from 1988 to 1993 near the étang de Berre.  On the basis of systematic surveying, soundings and the excavation of a Gallo - Roman establishment,F Trément situates the major sites of Saint-Blaise and the Fossæ Marianæ in a globally and dynamically perceived space.  Using earth and life sciences (geomorphology, sedimentology, palynology…). and with recourse to texts and iconography, the archaeologist broadens his focus, to encompass the landscape in its entirety. This microregion is characterised by numerous closed depressions, which explain the high population density during the Neolithic, the Iron Age and in Antiquity, and constitute sedimentary records of the evolution of the surroundings.  The author seeks to understand how the successive waterside communities adapted to this shifting and harsh environment, how they appropriated the space and set about…