EQUITY AND RESILIENCE IN FOOD SYSTEMS -- Chapter 8: Advance Equitable Livelihoods -- Chapter 9: A Review of Evidence on Gender Equality, Women‘s Empowerment and Food Systems -- Chapter 10: The Future of Small Farms: Innovations for Inclusive Transformation -- Chapter 11: Diversification for enhanced food systems resilience -- Chapter 12: Addressing Food Crises in Violent Conflicts -- Chapter 13: In brief: The White/Wiphala Paper on Indigenous Peoples’ food systems -- Chapter 14: Marginal areas and indigenous people – Priorities for research and action -- Chapter 15: Priorities for inclusive urban food system transformations in the Global South -- Chapter 16: Secondary Cities as Catalysts for Nutritious Diets in Low- And Middle-Income Countries -- Part V: ACTIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE FOOD PRODUCTION AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT -- Chapter 17: Boost Nature Positive Production. Chapter 18: Pathways to Advance Agroecology for a Successful Transformation to Sustainable Food Systems -- Chapter 19: A New Paradigm for Plant Nutrition -- Chapter 20: Livestock and sustainable food systems: status, trends, and priority actions -- Chapter 21: The Vital Roles of Blue Foods in the Global Food System -- Chapter 22: Food System Innovations and Digital Technologies to Foster Productivity Growth and Rural Transformation -- Chapter 23: Leveraging data, models & farming innovation to prevent, prepare for & manage pest incursions: Delivering a pest risk service for low-income countries -- Chapter 24: Food Systems Innovation Hubs in Low-and-Middle-Income Countries -- Chapter 25: A Whole Earth Approach to Nature Positive Food: Biodiversity and Agriculture -- Chapter 26: Water for Food Systems and Nutrition -- Chapter 27: Climate Change and Food Systems -- Chapter 28: Delivering climate change outcomes with agroecology in low- and middle-income countries: evidence and actions needed -- Chapter 29: Crop Diversity, its Conservation and Use for Better Food Systems -- Chapter 30: Safeguarding and using Fruit and Vegetable Biodiversity -- Chapter 31: Reduction of Food Loss and Waste – The Challenges and Conclusions for Actions -- Part V: COSTS, INVESTMENT, FINANCE, AND TRADE ACTIONS -- Chapter 32: The True Cost of Food – a preliminary assessment -- Chapter 33: Cost and Affordability of Preparing a Basic Meal around the World -- Chapter 34: The global cost of reaching a world without hunger: Investment costs and policy action opportunities -- Chapter 35: Financing SGD2 and Ending Hunger -- Chapter 36: Trade and Sustainable Food Systems -- Part VI: Regional Perspectives -- Chapter 37: Policy Options for food system transformation in Africa and the role of science, technology and innovation -- Chapter 38: The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation for Transforming Food Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean -- Chapter 39: The Role of Science, Technology, and Innovation for Transforming Food Systems in Asia -- Chapter 40: The Role of Science, Technology, and Innovation for Transforming Food Systems in Europe -- Chapter 41: Transforming Chinese Food Systems for both Human and Planetary Health -- Chapter 42: Key Areas of the Agricultural Science Development in Russia in the Context of Global Trends and Challenges -- Chapter 43: Food System in India. Challenges, Performance and Promise -- Part VII: STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVES AND GOVERNANCE -- Chapter 44: The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation for Transforming Food Systems Globally -- Chapter 45: The Bioeconomy and Food Systems Transformation -- Chapter 46: In the Age of Pandemics, connecting Food Systems and Health: a Global One Health Approach -- Chapter 47: How could science–policy interfaces boost food system transformation? -- Chapter 48: The Transition Steps Needed to Transform Our Food Systems -- Chapter 49: Engaging Science in Food Systems Transformation: Toward |