Anderson, Dean Smith, Hazel Woodword, Allen Renear. -- Charleston Conference observatory: are social media impacting in research? / David Nicholas, Ian Rowlands, Deanna Wamae. -- The tower and the free web--the role of reference / John Dove, Phoebe Ayers, Casper Grathwohl, Jason B. Phillips, Michael Sweet. -- Full-spectrum stewardship of the record of scholarly and scientific research / Brian E.C. Schottlaender. -- Executives' roundtable / T. Scott Plutchak, Youngsuk (YS) Chi, Kent Anderson. -- When rubber meets the road: rethinking your library collections / Roger Schonfeld, Sue Woodson. -- What can our readers teach us? / John Sack. -- "I hear the train a comin' -- LIVE / Greg Tananbaum, Joseph J. Esposito. -- Creating a trillion-field catalog: metadata in Google Books / Jon Orwant. -- Efficient and effective funding of open access 'books' / Frances Pinter. -- The long arm of the law / Ann Okerson, William Hannay, Lauren K. Schoenthaler. -- E-everything, putting it all together / Peter McCracken. -- Innovative practices in electronic resources and acquisition management / Ryan Weir, Geoffrey P. Timms, Kelly A. Smith, Regina Koury, Denise Pan. -- What do those collection numbers in resources for college libraries really mean? / Susan K. Beidler. -- What's in your aggregator?: context, currency, and stability of full-text databases / Mary Beth Chambers, Mariyam Thohira, Nancy Sprague. -- Taking a step back, to move forward / Stephen Dew, Michael Crumpton. -- Collection intelligence: using data driven decision making in collection management / Annette Day, Hilary Davis. -- Disaster mental health: building a research level collection / Ardis Hanson, Claudia J. Dold. -- From monks to mutopia: changing landscape in sheet music publishing / Ana Dubnjakovic. -- Deselecting the monographs collection: one library's adventure in weeding / Margaret Foote, Betina Gardner. -- OARS: toward automating the ongoing subscription review / Geoffrey P. Timms, Jonathan H. Harwell. -- Wherefore are thou, RoMEO? -- a review of open access-public access definitions and policies / Betty Landesman. -- Consensus-based assessment for re-envisioning a reference collection / Michael A. Matos, Patricia J. West. -- Moving from print to electronic journals: a study of college and university libraries in Indiana / Jo McClamroch. -- Weeding with robots: managing collections in an automated retrieval system / Patricia Bravender, Robert Kelly, Linda Masselink, Hazel McClure. -- Looking forward by looking back: books at the end of the book / Darby Orcutt, Genya O'Gara. -- The GIST gifts & de-selection manager: redesigning gift and weeding workflow in the library / Kate Pitcher. -- Chinese scientific journals: an assessment of the need at Cornell / Jinxia Huang, Marty Schlabach. -- Patron driven acquisitions: the future of collection development? / Rebecca Schroeder, Tom Wright, Robert Murdoch. -- How to evaluate cultural authenticity and stereotypical generalizations that exist in Asian-American children's books / Tadayuki Suzuki. -- Changes in print paper during the 19th century / AJ Valente. -- The other side of the coin: de-selecting material from a research library's storage facility / Suzanne M. Ward. -- Issues in determining cost for cost per use calculations / Virginia Kay "Ginger" Williams. -- Core resources on time series analysis for academic libraries: a selected, annotated bibliography / Sarah H. Jeong. -- Using DASH! for digital repositories: a case study of the East Texas Baptist University Library / Cynthia L. Peterson. -- Library connections: a non-linear approach to planning, marketing and creating the positive user experience / Leah M. Dunn. -- E-paper, LED, OLED, and the strategic positioning of hardware vendors and publishers: what it means to libraries / Stephen Patton. -- From my library to our library: changing a culture in tough times / Robert Alan, Lisa German. -- The "Get It" department: Oregon State University's |