
Record Nr.



Bouclier Robin


Iga : non-conforming coupling and shape optimization of complex multipatch structures / / Robin Bouclier and Thibaut Hirschler


Hoboken, New Jersey : , : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., , [2022]





Descrizione fisica

1 online resource (254 pages)




Multiphase flow

Adaptive signal processing

Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico


Note generali

Description based upon print version of record.

Nota di contenuto

Cover -- Half-Title Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1. Introduction to IGA: Key Ingredients for the Analysis and Optimization of Complex Structures -- 1.1. Brief introduction -- 1.2. Geometric modeling and simulation with splines -- 1.2.1. Parametric representation of geometries -- 1.2.2. B-spline and NURBS technologies -- 1.2.3. Design features and shape parameterization -- 1.2.4. Spline-based finite element analysis: isogeometric principle -- 1.3. Improved CAD-CAE integration for robust optimization -- 1.3.1. Returning to the original motivations behind IGA -- 1.3.2. An ideal framework for parametric shape optimization -- 1.4. The analysis-suitable model issue -- 1.4.1. The trimming concept -- 1.4.2. Non-conforming multipatch parameterization -- 1.4.3. Imposing shape variation -- 1.5. Computation of non-conforming interfaces: a brief overview of usual weak coupling methods -- 1.5.1. Governing equations -- 1.5.2. Penalty coupling -- 1.5.3. Mortar coupling -- 1.5.4. Nitsche coupling -- Chapter 2. Non-invasive Coupling for Flexible Global/Local IGA -- 2.1. Brief introduction -- 2.2. The standard non-invasive strategy -- 2.2.1. Origin -- 2.2.2. Non-invasive resolution of the coupling problem -- 2.3. Interest in the field of IGA -- 2.3.1. Global/local modeling in IGA -- 2.3.2. Challenges -- 2.4. A robust algorithm for non-conforming

global/local IGA -- 2.4.1. Reference formulation: non-symmetric Nitsche coupling -- 2.4.2. A Nitsche-based non-invasive algorithm -- 2.4.3. Validation -- 2.5. Summary and discussion -- Chapter 3. Domain Decomposition Solvers for Efficient Multipatch IGA -- 3.1. Introduction -- 3.2. Benefiting from the additional Lagrange multiplier field for multipatch analysis -- 3.3. Case of multipatch Kirchhoff-Love shell analysis -- 3.3.1. Kirchhoff-Love shell formulation: basics.

3.3.2. Formulation of the coupled problem -- 3.3.3. Preliminary results: monolithic resolution -- 3.4. On the construction of dual domain decomposition solvers -- 3.4.1. Formulation of the interface problem -- 3.4.2. Solving the interface problem -- 3.4.3. Null space and pseudo-inverse -- 3.4.4. Preconditioning -- 3.5. Numerical investigation of the developed algorithms -- 3.5.1. Standard solid elasticity -- 3.5.2. Heterogeneous plate bending -- 3.5.3. Scordelis-Lo roof -- 3.5.4. Stiffened panel -- 3.6. Summary and discussion -- Chapter 4. Isogeometric Shape Optimization of Multipatch and Complex Structures -- 4.1. Introduction -- 4.2. Isogeometric shape optimization framework -- 4.2.1. Optimization -- 4.2.2. Multilevel design -- 4.2.3. Design variables -- 4.2.4. Formulation and resolution -- 4.3. Unify the DD approach and multipatch optimization: towards ultimate efficiency -- 4.3.1. DD computation of the response functions -- 4.3.2. DD computation of the sensitivities -- 4.3.3. Non-design parts -- 4.3.4. Fast re-analysis -- 4.3.5. Optimization algorithm -- 4.4. Innovative design of multipatch structures: focus on aeronautical stiffened panels -- 4.4.1. Geometric modeling: embedded entities -- 4.4.2. Analysis: an embedded Kirchhoff-Love shell element -- 4.4.3. Two preliminary examples to illustrate the designcapabilities -- 4.5. Application to solid structures and first interests -- 4.5.1. Simple extension of the method -- 4.5.2. A test case in 2D -- 4.6. Advanced numerical optimization examples -- 4.6.1. Global shell optimization: stiffened roof -- 4.6.2. Local shell optimization: curved wall -- 4.6.3. Designing an aircraft wing-box -- 4.7. Towards the optimal design of structural details within isogeometric patches -- 4.7.1. A simple but instructive test case.

4.7.2. Unify the non-invasive global/local approach and the optimization of local details -- 4.7.3. Preliminary results and perspectives -- 4.8. Summary and discussion -- References -- Index -- Other titles from iSTE in Numerical Methods in Engineering -- EULA.