
Record Nr.



Xuan Winfred Wenhui


Writing as meaning-making : a systemic functional linguistic approach to EFL writing / / Winfred Wenhui Xuan


Singapore : , : Springer, , [2022]





Descrizione fisica

1 online resource (365 pages)




English language - Study and teaching (Secondary) - Chinese speakers

English language - Study and teaching

Second language acquisition


Adquisició d'una segona llengua

Llibres electrònics

Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico


Nota di bibliografia

Includes bibliographical references (pages 313-338).

Nota di contenuto

Intro -- Foreword -- Acknowledgement -- Preface -- ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS -- Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION -- 1.1 Research Background -- 1.2 Research Objective -- 1.3 Research Questions -- 1.4 Research Significance -- 1.5 Organization of this book -- 1.6 Summary -- CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 The tradition of genre in educational contexts -- 2.2.1 Introduction -- 2.2.2 Comparison of the three schools -- 2.2.3 SFL genre -- 2.2.4 Application of SFL genre in L2 context: the case of Georgetown University -- 2.2.5 Summary of this section -- 2.3 Learning how to mean in adolescent L2 writing -- 2.3.1 Introduction -- 2.3.2 Literature on comparison of adolescent L1 and L2 writing -- 2.3.3 Literature on adolescent L2 writing instruction and related issues -- 2.3.4 Summary of the section -- 2.4 Functional approach to language learning -- 2.4.0 Introduction -- 2.4.1 Halliday's pioneering study of child's language development -- 2.4.2 Hasan and her team's contribution: semantic

network in mother-child talk -- 2.4.3 Painter's research on language development -- 2.4.4 Derewianka's contribution: children's grammatical metaphor development -- 2.4.5 Torr's study on modality and grammatical metaphor in children's language -- 2.4.6 Christie's holistic study on writing development -- 2.5 Conclusion of the chapter -- CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY -- 3.0 Introduction -- 3.1 Theoretical framework -- 3.1.1 Systemic Functional Linguistics -- 3.1.2 Context-based text typology -- 3.2 Research questions of this study -- 3.3 The Settings and culture of this study -- 3.3.1 The context -- 3.3.2 The research site -- 3.3.3 The participants -- 3.4 Data collection -- 3.4.1 Description of the data -- 3.4.2 Stages in data collection -- 3.4.3 Transcription of the data -- 3.4.4 Analysis of the data.

3.5 Summary of the chapter -- CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS: CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Literature review -- 4.2.1 Genre studies in primary and secondary education -- 4.2.2 Genre studies in tertiary education -- 4.2.3 Text typology studies -- 4.2.4 Learning path at primary and secondary level -- 4.2.5 Research questions -- 4.3 Methodology -- 4.4 Results and findings -- 4.4.1 Background of the writing journey -- 4.4.2 Field of activity: socio-semiotic process -- 4.4.3 Findings based on Halliday's theory of register and Martin's genre -- 4.5 Discussion -- 4.5.1 Recommending: the dominant text type -- 4.5.2 Tenor awareness -- 4.5.3 Culturally marked text -- 4.5.4 Variations of genres -- 4.6 Summary of the chapter -- CHAPTER 5 FINDINGS: THEMATIC ANALYSIS -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.1.1 THEME in systemic functional linguistics -- 5.1.2 Previous studies based on thematic analysis -- 5.1.3 Frameworks of thematic analysis -- 5.2 Methodology -- 5.2.1 Coding -- 5.3 Results and findings -- 5.3.1 Overall deployment of different types of Themes -- 5.3.2 Multiple and simple Theme -- 5.3.3 Markedness -- 5.3.4 Thematic progression patterns -- 5.3.5 Macro-hyper Theme overall employment -- 5.3.6 Summary of the findings -- 5.4 Discussion -- 5.4.1 Theme as an element in illustrating registerial difference -- 5.4.2 THEME as enabling resource -- 5.4.3 THEME as an indicator of language proficiency -- 5.5 Summary of the chapter -- CHAPTER 6 FINDINGS: INTERPERSONAL ANALYSIS -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Overview of MODALITY study in language development -- 6.2.1 MODALITY studies in L1 development contexts -- 6.2.2 MODALITY studies in L2 context -- 6.2.3 Gaps from the previous studies and research questions -- 6.3. Methodology -- 6.3.1 MODALITY in systemic functional linguistics -- 6.3.2 Data collection -- 6.4 Findings and results -- 6.4.1 Overall employment.

6.4.2 Types of MODALITY -- 6.4.3 Orientation -- 6.4.4 Value -- 6.4.5 Realization -- 6.5 Discussion -- 6.5.1 Registerial difference in modal resources employment -- 6.5.2 Over-use of modal auxiliary "can" -- 6.5.3 Congruency as an indicator of students' language proficiency -- 6.5.4 Summary of the modal resources deployed in the students' writing -- 6.6 Summary of the chapter -- CHAPTER 7 FINDINGS: EXPERIENTIAL ANALYSIS -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Review of studies on TRANSITIVITY -- 7.2.1 Academic writing -- 7.2.2 Studies of literature -- 7.2.3 Critical discourse analysis -- 7.2.4 Multimodality -- 7.2.5 Pedagogical discourse -- 7.2.6 Medical discourse -- 7.2.7 Gaps from the previous literature and research questions -- 7.3 Methodology -- 7.3.1 TRANSITIVITY model in SFL -- 7.4 Results and findings -- 7.4.1 Process type -- 7.4.2 CIRCUMSTANTIATION -- 7.4.3 Case study -- 7.4.4 Discussion -- 7.5 Summary of the chapter -- CHAPTER 8 FINDINGS: LOGICAL ANALYSIS -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 Literature review -- 8.3 Methodology -- 8.3.1 Theoretical framework -- 8.3.2 Coding of the data -- 8.4. Results -- 8.4.1 Overall deployment of taxis and logico-semantic relations in the students' writing -- 8.4.2

Registerial comparison -- 8.4.3 Case study -- 8.5 Discussion -- 8.5.1 Simple, congruent deployment -- 8.5.2 High- frequency of paratactic: extension: addition -- 8.5.3. Registerial differences -- 8.5.4. Skewing of enhancement clauses -- 8.6 Summary of the chapter -- CHAPTER 9 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS -- 9.1 Summary of the major findings -- 9.1.1 Findings of research question (1) -- 9.1.2 Findings of research question (2) -- 9.2 Discussion -- 9.2.1 Learning how to mean in a second language -- 9.2.1 Registerial differences -- 9.2.2 Culturally marked texts -- 9.2.3 Homogeneity of their writing styles and contents -- 9.2.4 Tenor awareness in construing registers.

9.2.5 Congruent realization of different types of linguistic resources -- 9.2.6 Limited linguistic resources demonstrated -- 9.3 Implications of the present study -- 9.3.1 School as an institution -- 9.3.2 Implication for writing curriculum design -- 9.3.3 Implication for L2 writing pedagogy -- 9.3.4 Implication for the reconceptualization of the current L2 English education -- 9.4 Contribution of the present study -- 9.4.1 Methodological and theoretical contribution -- 9.4.2 Curriculum design contribution -- 9.4.3 Pedagogical contribution -- 9.5 Limitations of the present study -- 9.6 Future research direction -- References.


Record Nr.



Moreno-Nuño Carmen


Haciendo Memoria : Confluencias Entre la Historia, la Cultura y la Memoria de la Guerra Civil en la España Del Siglo XXI / / Carmen Moreno-Nuño


Madrid : , : Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert, , [2019]




Descrizione fisica

1 online resource (319 p.)


La casa de la riqueza : estudios de la cultura de España ; ; 48




Collective memory - Social aspects

Collective memory - Spain

Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico


Nota di bibliografia

Contiene bibliografía.

Nota di contenuto

Front matter -- La Casa de la Riqueza Estudios de la Cultura de España -- Índice -- Agradecimientos -- Introducción -- Capítulo 1. Planteamiento: El espinazo del diablo -- Capítulo 2. Nudo: Dark is the Room Where We Sleep/Oscura es la habitación donde dormimos -- Capítulo 3. Desenlace: La exhumación fallida -- Capítulo 4. Moraleja: Tu rostro mañana -- Conclusión -- Bibliografía


Haciendo memoria se centra en la trayectoria de la memoria de la Guerra Civil en la España de la primera década del siglo XXI, desde la aparición de la Asociación para la Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica y la apertura de fosas comunes, hasta la fallida búsqueda de la fosa de Federico García Lorca, pasando por la aprobación de la Ley de Memoria Histórica. También explica qué lecciones podemos extraer cuando, como en este caso, el pasado no termina de pasar. Este libro propone que el fenómeno de la memoria histórica solo puede comprenderse si atendemos al intenso diálogo que se produce en esos años entre la historia y la cultura, es decir, si entendemos cómo ciertos productos culturales han tenido la capacidad de impulsar la memoria, contribuyendo tanto a su avance como a su cuestionamiento crítico. De ahí la apuesta por una metodología que, combinando la historia cultural y el análisis textual, arroja luz sobre un objeto de estudio auténticamente interdisciplinar que abarca el cine, la fotografía, la literatura y la prensa.