
Record Nr.



Zavratnik Zimic Simona


Digitalni begunci : transformacije migracijskih poti ali ko pametni telefon nadomesti kovček = Digital refugees : transformations of migration routes or how smartphones replaced hand luggage / / Simona Zavratnik, Sanja Cukut Krilić


Ljubljana, : ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC, 2020

Descrizione fisica

1 electronic resource (172 p.)


Social mobility

Migration, immigration & emigration

Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico



The smartphone has become one of the main tenets of contemporary spatial as well as digital migration routes that are increasingly determined by technologies, platforms and networks. Such routes have become increasingly dangerous and uncertain, which testifies of structural criminalisation and control of people on the move, but also raises important questions about autonomy and agency of individuals as a response to restrictive migration and border policies. The monograph explores such transformations by focussing on the movement of refugees across the borders of nation-states through a rethinking of the notion of vulnerability (especially of women and children), the examination of perceptions of refugees and migrants by the public and a reflection of the notions of climate change and climate refugees that all challenge the main classificatory mechanisms constructing more or less “legitimate” groups of migrants. In this vein, the authors argue for more solidarity throughout the movement of individuals through the “gates” and “violent borders” of contemporary nation-states.

Pametni telefon je postal eden od glavnih označevalcev prostorskih kot tudi digitalnih migracijskih poti, ki jih vedno bolj določajo tudi

tehnologije, platforme in omrežja. Tovrstne poti postajajo vedno bolj nevarne in negotove in pričajo o strukturni kriminalizaciji in nadzoru oseb na poti, a hkrati odpirajo pomembna vprašanja o avtonomiji in delovalnosti posameznikov in posameznic kot odzivu na vedno bolj omejevalne migracijske in mejne politike. Monografija s poudarkom na gibanju beguncev in begunk čez meje nacionalnih držav analizira tovrstne transformacije. Gre zlasti za premislek o konceptu ranljivosti (predvsem žensk in otrok), za analizo percepcij migrantov in beguncev s strani javnosti in za refleksije podnebnih sprememb in ideje podnebnih beguncev, ki postavljajo pod vprašaj temeljne klasifikacijske mehanizme konstruiranja bolj ali manj ‘legitimnih’ skupin migrantov in migrantk. V tem oziru se avtorici zavzemata za več solidarnosti pri gibanju posameznikov skozi ‘pregrade’ in ‘nasilne meje’ sodobnih nacionalnih držav.;The smartphone has become one of the main tenets of contemporary spatial as well as digital migration routes that are increasingly determined by technologies, platforms and networks. Such routes have become increasingly dangerous and uncertain, which testifies of structural criminalisation and control of people on the move, but also raises important questions about autonomy and agency of individuals as a response to restrictive migration and border policies. The monograph explores such transformations by focussing on the movement of refugees across the borders of nation-states through a rethinking of the notion of vulnerability (especially of women and children), the examination of perceptions of refugees and migrants by the public and a reflection of the notions of climate change and climate refugees that all challenge the main classificatory mechanisms constructing more or less “legitimate” groups of migrants. In this vein, the authors argue for more solidarity throughout the movement of individuals through the “gates” and “violent borders” of contemporary nation-states.

Pametni telefon je postal eden od glavnih označevalcev prostorskih kot tudi digitalnih migracijskih poti, ki jih vedno bolj določajo tudi tehnologije, platforme in omrežja. Tovrstne poti postajajo vedno bolj nevarne in negotove in pričajo o strukturni kriminalizaciji in nadzoru oseb na poti, a hkrati odpirajo pomembna vprašanja o avtonomiji in delovalnosti posameznikov in posameznic kot odzivu na vedno bolj omejevalne migracijske in mejne politike. Monografija s poudarkom na gibanju beguncev in begunk čez meje nacionalnih držav analizira tovrstne transformacije. Gre zlasti za premislek o konceptu ranljivosti (predvsem žensk in otrok), za analizo percepcij migrantov in beguncev s strani javnosti in za refleksije podnebnih sprememb in ideje podnebnih beguncev, ki postavljajo pod vprašaj temeljne klasifikacijske mehanizme konstruiranja bolj ali manj ‘legitimnih’ skupin migrantov in migrantk. V tem oziru se avtorici zavzemata za več solidarnosti pri gibanju posameznikov skozi ‘pregrade’ in ‘nasilne meje’ sodobnih nacionalnih držav.