
Record Nr.



Steiger Ludwig


Basics Construire en bois / / Ludwig Steiger


Basel : , : Birkhäuser, , [2020]





[3. aktualisierte Auflage]

Descrizione fisica

1 online resource (104 p.)


Collection pour étudiants „Basics“

Construction en bois empilés

Construction en bois

Littérature spécialisée pour étudiants en architecture

Manuel d’architecture


Ossature bois

Panneaux porteurs

Produits de construction en bois

Préservation du bois

Systèmes de construction en bois

Ètudes d’architecture

ARCHITECTURE / Study & Teaching

Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico


Nota di contenuto

Frontmatter -- Table des matières -- Avant-propos -- Introduction -- Le matériau -- Construction -- Éléments de construction -- Conclusion -- Annexes


Der Holzbau steht neben dem Mauerwerk in aller Regel an erster Stelle der konstruktiven Übungen im Studium. Zunächst wird der Baustoff Holz in seinen Facetten dargestellt und grundlegende Prinzipien im Holzbau erläutert. Zudem werden systematisch die wesentlichen Bauteile mit ihren Konstruktionsmöglichkeiten im Holzbau erarbeitet.Themen: Baustoff Holz Holzschutz Holzbausysteme Bauteile von der

Gründung bis zum Dach

Timber is one of the most elementary and oldest building materials used by mankind, and has still not lost any of its attractiveness and topicality. In many cultural spheres and climate zones, the primary construction methods of domestic architecture include both masonry construction and timber construction. However, this living, lightweight, and easy-to-work material has specific characteristics that impact on the way it is used in construction in different ways compared to other building materials. In order to develop high-quality designs that suit the material, architects need to be familiar with the specific characteristics of this building material and with the rules governing timber construction. The new edition of the successful Basics Timber Construction volume lists the most common solid timber construction systems, including that using solid timber wall elements, as well as the rules, applications, and the relevant details.