1. |
Record Nr. |
Autore |
Comitato nazionale per l\2019energia nucleare |
Titolo |
Data on environmental radioactivity collected in Italy, 1957-1959 / Comitato nazionale per l\2019energia nucleare |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Roma : Comitato nazionale per l\2019energia nucleare, 1960 |
Titolo uniforme |
Data on environmental radioactivity collected in Italy, 1957-1959 |
Descrizione fisica |
Disciplina |
Collocazione |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
2. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910303759703321 |
Autore |
Aaker, Davi A. |
Titolo |
Brand equity : la gestione del valore della marca / David A. Aaker |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Milano : FrancoAngeli, 2018 |
Edizione |
[4. ed.] |
Descrizione fisica |
Disciplina |
Locazione |
Collocazione |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
3. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910416513503321 |
Autore |
Albore Livadie Claude |
Titolo |
La conquête de la montagne : des premières occupations humaines à l’anthropisation du milieu / / Marianne Deschamps, Sandrine Costamagno, Pierre-Yves Milcent, Jean-Marc Pétillon, Caroline Renard, Nicolas Valdeyron |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Paris, : Éditions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, 2019 |
Altri autori (Persone) |
AngevinRaphaël |
ArcéizAbel Berdejo |
Aura TortosaJoan Emili |
Auxerre-GéronFlorie-Anne |
BargallóAmelia |
BeaManuel |
BéreiziatGérald |
BesseMarie |
BichetVincent |
Carrión MarcoYolanda |
ChacónMaría Gema |
ChalardPierre |
ChevassuValentin |
ChevrierFrançois |
ChiquetPatricia |
CicolaniVeronica |
ColongeDavid |
CostamagnoSandrine |
DefrasneClaudia |
DelhonClaire |
DeschampsMarianne |
Domingo MartínezRafael |
Duarte MatíasElsa |
DufraisseAlexa |
DumasVincent |
DumontierPatrice |
Fernández-MarchenaJuan Luis |
FlasDamien |
FranklinJay |
FullolaJosep Maria |
GarciaArnau |
García-ArgudoGala |
GasperiNicola |
GauthierÉmilie |
GisbertMario |
Gómez de SolerBruno |
GraciaMarta Alcolea |
GuilaineJean |
HaysMaureen |
HuetThomas |
IsoardiDelphine |
Jouffroy-BapicotIsabelle |
Laborda LorenteRafael |
LachenalThibault |
LanauPaloma |
LanglaisMathieu |
LloverasLluis |
MadelaineStéphane |
MangadoXavier |
MartinLucie |
MartínezRafael Domingo |
MartínezRafael Laborda |
MartinoFrancesco Matteo |
MartzluffMichel |
MercadalOriol |
MilcentPierre-Yves |
MinetThéo |
MirandaPilar Utrilla |
MocciFlorence |
MontesLourdes |
MourreVincent |
NadalJordi |
NouvelPierre |
OlmosPau |
OrengoHèctor A |
PaletJosep Maria |
Pérez RipollManuel |
PétillonJean-Marc |
PolonioTania |
Rasilla VivesMarco de la |
RemicourtMaxime |
Remolins-ZamoraGérard |
RenardCaroline |
RichardHervé |
RodriguezNúria |
Rodríguez OteroVicente |
RomagnoliFrancesca |
Saint-SeverGuillaume |
Sainz-AjaAlejandro Sierra |
Sánchez de la TorreMarta |
Sanchis SerraAlfred |
SebastiánMaría |
ServelleChristian |
SorianoElena |
SotoMaría |
SurmelyFrédéric |
TalonBrigitte |
TejeroJosé-Miguel |
ThiébaultStéphanie |
ThomasMarc |
Tremblay CormierLaurie |
TunziAnna Maria |
TuruValentí |
TzortzisStéfan |
ValdeyronNicolas |
VallverdúJosep |
VaqueroManuel |
Villalba-MoucoVanessa |
WalshKevin |
ZúñigaAlberto Obón |
Soggetti |
Archaeology |
Préhistoire |
Paléolithique moyen |
Paléolithique supérieur |
Mésolithique |
Néolithique |
âge du Bronze |
âge du Fer |
paléo-environnement |
archéologie |
Magdalénien |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Sommario/riassunto |
Les montagnes sont souvent perçues comme des espaces peu et tardivement peuplés, en marge des grands axes d’échanges. Cependant, les recherches récentes ne cessent de faire reculer dans le temps et augmenter en altitude les plus anciennes traces de présence humaine en milieu montagnard. De nombreuses études environnementales et archéologiques ont permis de mieux appréhender les différentes modalités de la gestion des milieux montagnards par les populations pré- et protohistoriques. Du |
Paléolithique à l’âge du Bronze, au travers d’exemples d’occupations dans les Pyrénées, les Alpes, le Jura, le Massif central et le Morvan, les textes réunis dans cet ouvrage envisagent la montagne comme territoire d’approvisionnement , territoire culturel et territoire d’échange. Le Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques rassemble chaque année universitaires, membres de sociétés savantes et jeunes chercheurs. Ce recueil est issu de travaux présentés lors du 142e Congrès sur le thème « Circulations montagnardes, circulations européennes ». |
4. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910524846803321 |
Autore |
Abecassis Jack I. <1959-> |
Titolo |
Albert Cohen : Dissonant Voices / / Jack I. Abecassis |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Baltimore : , : Johns Hopkins University Press, , 2004 |
©2004 |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (xvii, 246 pages) |
Collana |
Disciplina |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Nota di bibliografia |
Includes bibliographical references and index. |
Sommario/riassunto |
Honorable Mention winner in the Modern Language Association's Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize competition for French and Francophone Literary StudiesA major figure in twentieth-century letters, Albert Cohen (1895–1981) left a paradoxical legacy. His heavily autobiographical, strikingly literary, and polyphonic novels and lyrical essays are widely read by a devout public in France, yet have been largely ignored by academia. A self-consciously Jewish writer and activist, Cohen remained nevertheless ambivalent about Judaism. His self-affirmation as a Jew in juxtaposition with his satirical use of anti-Semitic stereotypes still provokes unease in both republican France and institutional Judaism.In Albert Cohen: Dissonant Voices, the first |
English-language study of this profound and profoundly misunderstood writer, Jack I. Abecassis traces the recurrent themes of Cohen's works. He reveals the dissonant fractures marking Cohen as a modernist, and analyzes the resistance to his work as a symptom of the will not to understand Cohen's main theme—"the catastrophe of being Jewish."For Abecassis, Cohen's diverse oeuvre forms a single "roman fleuve" exploring this perturbing theme through fragmentation and grotesquerie, fantasies and nightmares, the veiling and unveiling of the unspeakable.Abecassis argues that Cohen should not be read exclusively through the prism of European literature (Stendhal, Tolstoy, Proust), but rather as the retelling—inverting and ultimately exhausting, in the form of submerged plots—of the Biblical romances of Joseph and Esther. The romance of the charismatic Court Jew and its performance correlative, the carnival of Purim, generate the logic of Cohen's acute psychological ambivalence, historical consciousness and carnal sensuality—themes which link this modernist author to Genesis as well as to the literary practices of Sephardic crypto-Jews. Abecassis argues that Cohen's best-known work, Belle du Seigneur (1968), besides being an obvious tale of obsessive love and dissolution, is foremost a tale of political intrigue involving Solal, the meteoric-rising Jew in the League of Nations during the period of Appeasement (1936), and his ultimate self-destruction. Providing close readings and imaginative analyses of the entire literary output of one of twentieth-century France's most important Jewish writers, Abecassis presents here a major work of literary scholarship, as well as a broader study of the reception and influence of Jewish thought in French literature and philosophy. |
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