SOSP is traditionally held in the USA. In order to expand SIGOPS activities to an international milieu, I proposed at the last SIGOPS general business meeting (October 12, Mount Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire), to organize a SIGOPS-sponsored workshop in Europe. The workshop took place on January 28-30, 1985, at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, in Ruschlikon, Switzerland.The goal of the workshop was to bring together an international group of people involved in design and implementation of operating systems for the computer network environment. The workshop was advertised in the Operating Systems Review (Vol 18. No. 3, July 1984), m the Communications of the ACM. and by d~rect mailing to about 270 people in 23 coulatnes. People interested in parucipating were invited to submit a description of their current project. These project summaries were used by the program committee to select the participants.Close to 100 people expressed an interest in attending the workshop. 58 were invited, and 56 people from 11 countries actually participated in what turned out to be a very lively event.The workshop was organized in the following way. Eight major topies were chosen, based on the project summaries of the invited participants. Each topic, organized as a separate session, had a moderator and three "keynote" speakers whose joint role was to introduce the main issues related to |