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Record Nr. |
UNINA9910465588003321 |
Titolo |
Urban poverty in Asia / / Asian Development Bank |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Metro Manila, Philippines : , : Asian Development Bank, , 2014 |
©2014 |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (100 p.) |
Disciplina |
Soggetti |
Urbanization - Asia |
Urban poor - Asia |
Electronic books. |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Note generali |
Description based upon print version of record. |
Nota di bibliografia |
Includes bibliographical references. |
Nota di contenuto |
Cover; Contents; List of Tables, Figures, and Boxes; Acknowledgment; About the Author; Abbreviations; Introduction; Nature and Dimensions of Urban Poverty; Moving beyond the Income-Consumption Poverty: Inequalities, Shelter, Services, and Livelihoods; Who Are the Urban Poor-Women, Children, Youth, Minority Groups?; Poverty and City Size; Exploring the Link among Urbanization, Income (GDP), and Urban Poverty; Public Policy Responses to Urban Poverty: Selected Asian Economies; Asia's Urban Poverty and What it May Mean for the People's Republic of China and ADB; Annex Tables; Bibliography |
Tables1 Tracking Poverty: Asia and the Developing World; 2 Asia: Subregional Shares of the Poor; 3 Proportions of the Poor, Rural and Urban; 4 Numbers of the Poor, Rural and Urban; 5 Is Asia Entering into the ""Urbanization of Poverty"" Trap?; 6 The 2.15/day Urban Poverty Estimate; 7 Urban Poverty Assessment-National Level Poverty Lines; 8 Rural and Urban Poverty Gap Ratios and Gini Indices: People's Republic of China, India, and Indonesia; 9 Informal Settlements Population in Asia; 10 Economic Impact of Poor Sanitation; 11 Working Poverty: World and Asian Regions, 2002 and 2012 |
12 Urbanization, Gross Domestic Product, and Urban Poverty: A Synoptic View13 Urbanization and Urban Poverty; 14 Gross Domestic Product and Urban Poverty; 15 People's Republic of China's Urban |
Poverty Line, Size of Poor Population, and Absolute Rate of Poverty, 1998-2007; 16 Population in Informal settlements in the People's Republic of China; 17 Headcount Rates of Povertya, 1991-1992 to 2010; 18 Number and Percentage of the Poor, India; 19 Urban Poverty in Pakistan; 20 Poverty Estimates in Cambodia, 2009; 21 Poverty Rates and the Poverty Gap, Viet Nam |
22 Country-Specific Interventions for Urban Poverty ReductionFigures; 1 Poverty-Population Trends; 2 City-Level Gini Coefficients: Asian Cities; 3 Per Capita Income and Urbanization Levels Across Asian Countries, 2011; 4 Urbanization and Urban Poverty: Selected Asian Countries; 5 Gross Domestic Product and Urban Poverty: Selected Asian Countries; 6 People's Republic of China's Urban Transition; 7 Bangladesh's Urban Transition; 8 India's Urban Transition; 9 Pakistan's Urban Transition; 10 Cambodia's Urban-Rural Population Growth Trends; 11 Indonesia's Urban Transition |
12 Philippines's Urban Transition13 Viet Nam's Urban Transition; Boxes; 1 Measuring Poverty; 2 Urbanization of Global Poverty; 3 National Urban Poverty Lines; 4 What is an Informal Settlement?; 5 Definition of Improved and Unimproved Sanitation and Water Supply; 6 Economic impacts of inadequate sanitation in India by categories, 2006; 7 Economic Importance of Sanitation; 8 Rights of the Child; 9 The Global Rise of Youth Unemployment; 10 Private Sector's Housing Involvement in Manila's Informal Settlement Communities; Appendix Tables |
1 Aggregate Poverty: Regional Aggregations 1990, 2008, and 2010 |
2. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910495926803321 |
Autore |
Aprile Sylvie |
Titolo |
Europe de papier : Projets européens au xixe siècle / Sylvie Aprile, Cristina Cassina, Philippe Darriulat, René Leboutte |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Villeneuve d'Ascq, : Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2016 |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (350 p.) |
Altri autori (Persone) |
BasabeNere |
BenvenutoPaolo |
BerardiSilvio |
BergamiCarol |
BesanaClaudio |
CassinaCristina |
CoppolaAdriana |
DarriulatPhilippe |
Dos SantosJessica |
DroletMichael |
FauriFrancesca |
GhervasStella |
IppolitoChristophe |
JordanAlexander Hugh |
LambertVanessa Lincoln |
LeboutteRené |
LocatelliAndrea M |
MaggioniLuca |
PeroniGiulio |
PollastroVanessa |
SimalJuan Luis |
TedeschiPaolo |
VaghiMassimiliano |
ValentLucio |
ZantedeschiFrancesca |
AprileSylvie |
Soggetti |
History |
fédération européenne |
confédération européenne |
utopie |
pacifisme |
libéralisme |
socialisme |
union monétaire |
printemps des peuples |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Sommario/riassunto |
L'Europe n’a pas surgi du néant au xxe siècle. Présente dans la pensée politique et les relations internationales depuis le xvie siècle, elle suscite, entre 1815 et 1870, un foisonnement de projets – une « Europe de papier » – que cet ouvrage ambitionne d’exhumer. Résultat d’une recherche internationale, les contributions ici regroupées montrent qu’il y a bien eu au xixe siècle naissance d’un véritable dessein européen, politique et institutionnel, qui souhaitait transcender tout autant les projets de « paix perpétuelle » du siècle des Lumières que les expériences révolutionnaires et impériales. Œuvre de réformateurs sociaux, de démocrates, de pacifistes, de libéraux, mais aussi de conservateurs ou de catholiques, parfois intransigeants et désireux d’unifier la « chrétienté », cette « Europe de papier » est le reflet d’un xixe qui n’est pas seulement celui de l’industrialisation ou de l’État-Nation. Comment maintenir la paix ? Comment unir les Européens ? Comment l’élargir vers la Méditerranée ou l’Amérique ? Quelle capitale choisir ? Ces questions alors posées restent débattues. Qualifiés hâtivement d’utopiques, oubliés aujourd’hui, même si les penseurs de l’entre-deux guerres s’y réfèrent souvent, ces projets n’en furent pas moins, derrière un certain nombre de figures tutélaires comme Victor Hugo ou Giuseppe Mazzini, autant de réflexions et de plans, ancrés dans l’ombre portée de l’Empire napoléonien, des expériences nationales, qui participèrent au débat politique de ce siècle. Ils sont toujours d’actualité. In the twentieth century, Europe did not rise out of nothingness. It had been present in political thinking and international relations since the sixtheenth century. Between 1815 and 1870 it gave birth to a multitude of projects, a “paper Europe” that we aim to unearth. |
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