1. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910637779903321 |
Autore |
Borgogno-Mondino Enrico |
Titolo |
Remote Sensing in Agriculture: State-of-the-Art |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Basel, : MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2022 |
Descrizione fisica |
1 electronic resource (220 p.) |
Soggetti |
Technology: general issues |
History of engineering & technology |
Environmental science, engineering & technology |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Sommario/riassunto |
The Special Issue on “Remote Sensing in Agriculture: State-of-the-Art” gives an exhaustive overview of the ongoing remote sensing technology transfer into the agricultural sector. It consists of 10 high-quality papers focusing on a wide range of remote sensing models and techniques to forecast crop production and yield, to map agricultural landscape and to evaluate plant and soil biophysical features. Satellite, RPAS, and SAR data were involved. This preface describes shortly each contribution published in such Special Issue. |
2. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910495240903321 |
Titolo |
Building resilience to natural hazards in the context of climate change : knowledge integration, implementation and learning / / Gerard Hutter, Marco Neubert, Regine Ortlepp, editors |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Wiesbaden, Germany : , : Springer, , [2021] |
©2021 |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (260 pages) |
Collana |
Studien Zur Resilienzforschung |
Disciplina |
Soggetti |
Resilience (Ecology) |
Resiliència (Tret de la personalitat) |
Catàstrofes naturals |
Canvi climàtic |
Urbanisme |
Política urbana |
Llibres electrònics |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Nota di contenuto |
Intro -- Foreword -- Contents -- Editors and Contributors -- About the Editors -- Contributors -- Abbreviations -- 1 Building Resilience to Natural Hazards in the Context of Climate Change-Introducing the Focus and Agenda of the Edited Volume -- 1.1 Purpose and Focus of the Volume -- 1.2 Introducing the Agenda -- 1.2.1 Building Resilience as a Core Element of Urban Resilience -- 1.2.2 Knowledge Integration -- 1.2.3 Implementation at Local Level -- 1.2.4 Learning in the Context of Participation and Multi-level Governance -- 1.3 Overview Over the Contributions to the Volume -- 2 Knowledge Integration for Building Resilience-the Example of Flood Risk Maps -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Three Approaches to Knowledge Integration -- 2.3 An illustrative example: Developing Flood risk Maps -- 2.3.1 Knowledge Sharing -- 2.3.2 Purposeful Combination of Specialized and Complementary Knowledge -- 2.3.3 Using similar/related Knowledge -- 2.4 Justifying knowledge Integration as Means to Build |
Resilience -- 2.4.1 Means and their Justification through Ends -- 2.4.2 Building Resilience as Pro- and Reactive Management of Disturbance and Surprise -- 2.4.3 Building Specified and General Resilience -- 2.5 Knowledge Integration and Urban Resilience -- 2.6 Conclusion and Outlook -- 3 Justice and Resilience in Flood Risk Management: What Are the Socio-Political Implications? -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Social Justice-Environmental Justice-Climate Justice: Different, but the Same -- 3.2.1 Social Justice and Resilience -- 3.2.2 Environmental Justice and Resilience -- 3.2.3 Climate Justice and Resilience -- 3.3 Conclusion -- 4 House Lifting to Improve Flood Resilience in Settlement Areas-an Example of the Elbe Village Brockwitz (Saxony, Germany) -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.1.1 From Flood Risk Management to Resilience and Sustainability. |
4.1.2 Background and the Idea of House Lifting in Brockwitz -- 4.2 Methodology -- 4.2.1 Overall Approach for Analyzing Flood Resilience and Sustainability -- 4.2.2 Analysis of Risk and Risk Mitigation -- 4.2.3 Analysis of Nature and Environmental Issues -- 4.3 Results and Discussion -- 4.3.1 Action Alternatives Investigated for the Case Study Brockwitz -- 4.3.2 Results of Environmental and Nature Conservation Aspects -- 4.3.3 Economic Aspects -- 4.3.4 First Overall Assessment of House Lifting in Brockwitz -- 4.4 Conclusions -- 5 Sustainability and Resilience-A Practical Approach to Assessing Sustainability in Innovative Infrastructure Projects -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Sustainability Check for Innovative Infrastructure Projects -- 5.2.1 Integrating Sustainability and Resilience -- 5.2.2 Sustainability Check-A Practical Screening Approach for Infrastructure Projects -- 5.3 Resilience Understanding for Infrastructure Innovation -- 5.3.1 Why Resilience? -- 5.3.2 Resilience of What to What? -- 5.3.3 Which Resilience? -- 5.3.4 Resilience Where, for Whom and When? -- 5.3.5 Resilience-How? -- 5.4 Applying the Sustainability Check -- 5.4.1 How to Apply the Sustainability Check? -- 5.4.2 Application with Hypothetic and Real Cases -- 5.4.3 Sustainability Trends for Innovative Infrastructure Solutions -- 5.4.4 How Do Real World Projects Profit from the Sustainability Check -- 5.5 Concluding Discussion of Results and the Assessment Approach -- 6 Building Heat-Resilient Neighborhoods-Testing the Implementation on Buildings and in Open Spaces in Two Sample Quarters Dresden and Erfurt -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Multi-level Understanding of Resilience -- 6.2.1 Meanings of Resilience -- 6.2.2 Resilience of Individual Persons -- 6.2.3 Resilience of Buildings -- 6.2.4 Resilience of Open Spaces -- 6.2.5 Multi-level Understanding of Neighborhood's Resilience. |
6.3 Structural and Technical Adaptation Solutions for Heat-resilient Buildings -- 6.3.1 Adaptation Concepts for Buildings and the Criteria of Citizens Involvement and Acceptance -- 6.3.2 Implementation of Measures in Existing Large Panel Construction Buildings -- 6.3.3 Planned implementation for Measures in Existing "Wilhelminian-style" Buildings -- 6.3.4 Implementation of Green Roofs on New Buildings -- 6.3.5 Enabling and Inhibiting Factors in Planning and Implementation -- 6.4 Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Solutions of Green Spaces for Heat-Resilient Neighborhoods -- 6.4.1 Identification of Adaptation Requirements in Open Spaces -- 6.4.2 Implementation of Measures in Green Spaces -- 6.4.3 Planned Implementation of Heat Resilient Tram and Bus Stops -- 6.4.4 Implementation of City Tree Planting -- 6.4.5 Implementation of Civic Watering Initiative for City Trees -- 6.4.6 Restricting and Inhibiting Factors of Planning and Implementing Climate Adaptation Measures -- 6.5 Conclusions -- 7 The Impulse Project Stuttgart-Stimulating Resilient Urban Development Through Blue-Green Infrastructure -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Conceptual |
Framework -- 7.2.1 Conceptualizing and Designing Blue-green Infrastructure -- 7.2.2 Resilience of Buildings and Building Resilience -- 7.3 Project Description -- 7.3.1 Location, Concept and Design Process -- 7.3.2 Configuration and Functionality -- 7.3.3 Water Flow, Storage and Irrigation -- 7.3.4 Greywater Treatment -- 7.3.5 Urban Greening -- 7.3.6 Control and Monitoring System -- 7.4 Discussion and Transfer -- 7.4.1 The Impulse Project-a Showcase for Building Resilience? -- 7.4.2 The Impulse Project-an Impulse for Building Resilience? -- 8 Participation for Building Urban Climate Resilience? Results from Four Cities in Germany -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.1.1 Expected Effects of Participation. |
8.1.2 Lack of Empirical Evaluations of Participatory Approaches -- 8.1.3 Main Research Question and Chapter Overview -- 8.2 Resilience Concept for the Evaluation of Participation Effects -- 8.2.1 Resilience Knowledge, Action and Network -- 8.2.2 Focus on Actors and Dimensions Changeable by Participation -- 8.3 Evaluation of Participatory Processes on Adaptation to Climate Change in Four Cities in Germany -- 8.3.1 Methods: Questionnaires and Indicators of Resilience Increases -- 8.3.2 Results: Changes in Resilience Knowledge, Action and Network -- 8.4 Discussion -- 8.5 Conclusions -- 9 Building Resilience in the Context of Multi-Level Governance-Insights from a Living Lab in the Ruhr -- 9.1 Resilience and Its Critics -- 9.2 Adaptive Governance and Resilience -- 9.3 Institutional Environment: City Regions and Multi-level Governance -- 9.4 City-regional Governance in the Ruhr-Prepared for Resilience? -- 9.5 Bringing Resilience In? -- 9.6 Conclusion -- 10 Project-Based Learning for Building Urban Resilience-Reflecting on Project Examples of Climate Change Adaptation in the Dresden Region -- 10.1 Introduction -- 10.2 Towards a Typology of Project-Based Learning Opportunities for Building Urban Resilience -- 10.2.1 Urban Resilience and Learning from Projects -- 10.2.2 Learning from Projects to Increase Adaptive and Transformative Capacity -- 10.2.3 Outline of a Typology of Project-Based Learning Opportunities -- 10.3 Projects on Climate Change Adaptation-Examples in the Dresden region -- 10.3.1 Methodological Note -- 10.3.2 The Project REGKLAM: Do Large Projects Always have Strong Effects? -- 10.3.3 The Project HeatResilientCity (HRC): A Case of Inter-Project Learning? -- 10.4 Conclusion and Outlook. |
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