Intro -- Preface -- Organization -- Contents -- Camdar-Adv: Method for Generating Adversarial Patches on 3D Object -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Related Work -- 2.1 Attacks Against LiDAR-Based System -- 2.2 OIS-Based Target Detectors -- 2.3 Mono Camera and LiDAR Fusion Technology -- 3 The Projection from 2D to 3D -- 3.1 Preparation -- 3.2 Projection -- 4 Conclusion and Prospect -- References -- Universal Adversarial Perturbations of Malware -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Related Work -- 3 Algorithm -- 4 Experiment -- 4.1 Dataset -- 4.2 Target Models -- 4.3 Experimental Results -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- A Semi-supervised Learning Approach for High Dimensional Android Malware Classification -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Proposed Approach -- 2.1 Random Projection -- 2.2 Confidence Analysis and Nearest Neighbor Clustering -- 2.3 SGD-Based SVM with Adapted Sampling -- 3 Experiment -- 3.1 Data Preparation -- 3.2 Confidence and Nearest Neighbor Clustering Analysis -- 3.3 Prediction of SGD-Based SVM with Adapted Sampling -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Kernel Optimization in SVM for Defense Against Adversarial Attacks -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Preliminary -- 2.1 Support Vector Machine -- 2.2 Attack Strategy -- 3 The Defense Based on Kernel Optimization -- 4 Experimental Results -- 5 Discussion and Conclusion -- References -- An Empirical Study on the Status Quo of Higher Vocational Teachers'
Informatization Teaching Ability - A Case Study of Hainan Province -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Description and Statistics -- 3 Reliability and Validity Test -- 4 Related Analysis -- 5 Structural Equation Model -- 6 Conclusion -- References -- Reliability Optimization and Trust Computing of Composite Wing Based on Sparse PC Method -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Description of Reliability Optimization Problem for Composite Wing -- 2.1 Finite Element Analysis Modeling and Parameterization.
2.2 Mathematical Model of Reliability Optimization -- 3 Sparse PC Method -- 4 Results and Analysis -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Malware Variants Detection Based on Feature Fusion -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Related Work -- 2.1 Malware Detection Based on Feature Analysis -- 2.2 Malware Detection Based on Visualization Technology -- 2.3 Malware Detection Based on Deep Learning -- 3 Features and Models -- 3.1 Gray Image Feature Extraction Based on DCNN -- 3.2 Important Opcode Features Extraction Based on IG -- 3.3 Malware Detection Model Based on Feature Fusion -- 4 Experimental Evaluation -- 4.1 Dataset and Experimental Settings -- 4.2 Experimental Results -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Robust GAN Based on Attention Mechanism -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Materials and Methods -- 2.1 Problem Definition -- 2.2 The Atten-Rob-GAN Framework -- 2.3 The Method of Generating Adversarial Examples Datasets -- 2.4 Implementation -- 3 Results and Discussion -- 3.1 Robustness of Discriminator -- 3.2 Quality of Generator -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Training Aggregation in Federated Learning -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Detail for Federated Learning Aggregation by Training -- 3 Experiment Evaluation -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- A Robust Digital Watermarking for Medical Images Based on PHTs-DCT -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Fundamental Theory -- 2.1 Polar Harmonic Transforms (PHTs) -- 2.2 Logistic Map -- 3 The Proposed Algorithm -- 3.1 Feature Extraction -- 3.2 Watermarks Encryption -- 3.3 Watermark Embedding -- 3.4 Watermarking Extraction -- 3.5 Watermarks Restoration -- 4 Experiments and Results -- 4.1 Settings -- 4.2 Attacks Results -- 4.3 Comparison with Other Algorithms -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- A Robust Zero Watermarking Algorithm for Medical Images Based on Tetrolet-DCT -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Basic Theory -- 2.1 Tetrolet Transform -- 2.2 DCT Transform.
2.3 Logistic Map -- 3 Proposed Watermarking Algorithm -- 3.1 Feature Extraction -- 3.2 Encryption and Embedding of the Watermark -- 3.3 Watermark Extraction and Restoration -- 3.4 Watermark Evaluation -- 4 Experiments and Results -- 4.1 Experimental Data -- 4.2 Performance Comparison with Other Algorithms -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- HOUGH-DCT Based Robust Watermarking for Medical Image -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Fundamental Theory -- 2.1 Hough Transform (HT) -- 2.2 Discrete Cosine Transform -- 2.3 Logistic Map -- 3 Watermarking Algorithm -- 3.1 Acquire the Feature Vector of Medical Images -- 3.2 Watermark Embedding -- 3.3 Watermark Extraction -- 3.4 Watermark Evaluation -- 4 Experiments and Results -- 4.1 General Attacks -- 4.2 General Attacks -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- The Blind Separation of Cockpit Mixed Signals Based on Fast Independent Component Analysis -- 1 Introduction -- 2 ICA Background and Its Basic Principle -- 2.1 Question Prototype - Cocktail Party Question -- 2.2 Mathematical Description -- 2.3 Problem Solving Thought -- 2.4 Classical Hypothesis of ICA -- 2.5 The Independence Criterion of Separation Results -- 3 FastICA Algorithm Flow -- 3.1 Observation Signal Preprocessing -- 3.2 Estimate Separation Matrix W and Extract Independent Components -- 4 Simulation Results and Performance Analysis -- 4.1 Simple Signal Separation -- 4.2
Cockpit Mixed Signal Separation -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- A Zero-Watermarking Algorithm for Medical Images Based on Gabor-DCT -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Basic Theory -- 2.1 Gabor Texture Features -- 2.2 Discrete Cosine Transform -- 2.3 Logistic Map -- 3 Algorithm Process -- 3.1 Watermark Encryption -- 3.2 Watermark Embedding -- 3.3 Watermark Extraction -- 3.4 Performance Metrics -- 4 Experiments and Results -- 4.1 Common Attacks -- 4.2 Geometric Attacks -- 4.3 Algorithm Comparison -- 5 Conclusion.
References -- Analysis on Influencing Factors of Electricity Sales for Electric Data Security -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Related Work -- 3 An Overview -- 4 Analysis on Influencing Factors of Electricity Sales -- 4.1 X13-ARIMA-SEATS -- 4.2 Pearson Correlation Coefficient -- 4.3 Dynamic Time Warping -- 5 Experiment -- 5.1 Data Set -- 5.2 Curve Decomposition -- 5.3 Immediacy Factors -- 6 Conclusion -- References -- A Regularization-Based Positive and Unlabeled Learning Algorithm for One-Class Classification of Remote Sensing Data -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Proposed Approach -- 2.1 Preliminaries -- 2.2 Learning Framework -- 3 Experiments -- 3.1 Dataset Description -- 3.2 Model Development -- 3.3 Experimental Results -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- SDSBT: A Secure Multi-party Data Sharing Platform Based on Blockchain and TEE -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Background -- 2.1 Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) -- 2.2 Intel Software Guard Extensions -- 2.3 Blockchain Technology -- 3 Problem Statement -- 3.1 System Model -- 3.2 Threat Model -- 3.3 Design Goals -- 4 SDSBT System Design -- 4.1 The Infrastructure of SDSBT -- 4.2 Interactive Process of SDSBT -- 5 Security Analysis -- 6 Experimental Evaluation -- 7 Conclusion -- References -- BID-HCP: Blockchain Identifier Based Health Certificate Passport System -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Related Work and Demand Analysis -- 3 System Design -- 3.1 The Functional Architecture of BID-HCP -- 3.2 BID: Digital Identity Code and Data Structure Model -- 3.3 The Workflow of BID-HCP -- 4 Challenges and Analysis -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Research on Global Map Construction and Location of Intelligent Vehicles Based on Lidar -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Related Work -- 2.1 SLAM Based on Filters -- 2.2 SLAM Based on Graph Optimization -- 3 Design of SLAM Front End Processing Algorithm for Lidar.
3.1 Feature Point Extraction from Point Cloud Data -- 4 Design of Laser Radar SLAM Back-End Processing Algorithm -- 4.1 Selection and Extraction Strategy of Graph Nodes -- 4.2 Improved Loop Detection and Relocation Strategy Design -- 5 Experimental Verification and Result Analysis -- 5.1 Experimental Analysis of Front End Processing -- 5.2 Back-End Optimization Experiment Analysis -- 6 Conclusions -- References -- A Problem-Driven Discussion Teaching Method Based on Progressive Cycle -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Meaning of Problem-Driven Discussion-Style Teaching -- 2.1 It is Helpful to Cultivate the Innovative Thinking of College Students -- 2.2 It is Helpful to Cultivate the Students' Team Spirit and Strengthen the Democratic and Broad Mind -- 3 Design of Progressive-Cycle-Based Problem-Driven Teaching -- 3.1 Discussion of Good Quality Topics -- 3.2 Key Points of the Group Discussion -- 3.3 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Panel Discussions -- 4 Specific Case Study -- 4.1 Teaching Content and Class Hours -- 4.2 Question Settings -- 4.3 Discussion Session Settings -- 5 Student Evaluation and Two-Term Performance Comparison -- 6 Conclusion -- References -- The Detection and Segmentation of Pulmonary Nodules Based on U-Net -- 1 Introduction -- 2 The Pulmonary Nodule Regions Detection Based on U-net -- 2.1 Overview of U-net -- 2.2 The Structure Design of Pulmonary Nodule Detection Based on U-net -- 3 The Data
Amplification of Pulmonary Nodules Based on DCGAN -- 4 Experiments -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Trajectory Shaping Guidance Law of Homing Missile with High Maneuver and Low Overload and Its Database Security -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Modeling -- 2.1 Coordinate System Description -- 2.2 Missile Structure and Function Brief Introduction -- 2.3 Missile Flight and Guidance Constraint.
3 Research on Improvement of Trajectory Shaping Guidance Law with Large Maneuver and Small Overload.