1. |
Record Nr. |
Autore |
De Vecchi, Nicolò |
Titolo |
Capitale / Nicolò De Vecchi . Lavoro / Francesco Campanella . Terra / Sergio Parrinello e Claudio Cecchi |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Torino : Boringhieri, 1982 |
Descrizione fisica |
Altri autori (Persone) |
Campanella, Francesco |
Cecchi, Claudio |
Parrinello, Sergio |
Disciplina |
Collocazione |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
2. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910154754703321 |
Autore |
Eells James |
Titolo |
Harmonic Maps and Minimal Immersions with Symmetries (AM-130), Volume 130 : Methods of Ordinary Differential Equations Applied to Elliptic Variational Problems. (AM-130) / / Andrea Ratto, James Eells |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Princeton, NJ : , : Princeton University Press, , [2016] |
©1993 |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (235 pages) : illustrations |
Collana |
Annals of Mathematics Studies ; ; 312 |
Disciplina |
Soggetti |
Harmonic maps |
Immersions (Mathematics) |
Differential equations, Elliptic - Numerical solutions |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Note generali |
Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph |
Nota di bibliografia |
Includes bibliographical references and index. |
Nota di contenuto |
Sommario/riassunto |
The aim of this book is to study harmonic maps, minimal and parallel mean curvature immersions in the presence of symmetry. In several instances, the latter permits reduction of the original elliptic variational problem to the qualitative study of certain ordinary differential equations: the authors' primary objective is to provide representative examples to illustrate these reduction methods and their associated analysis with geometric and topological applications. The material covered by the book displays a solid interplay involving geometry, analysis and topology: in particular, it includes a basic presentation of 1-cohomogeneous equivariant differential geometry and of the theory of harmonic maps between spheres. |
3. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910328155903321 |
Autore |
Bischoff Georges |
Titolo |
Montagnes médiévales : XXXIVe Congrès de la SHMES (Chambéry, 23-25 mai 2003) / / Société des historiens médiévistes de l’Enseignement supérieur public |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Paris, : Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2019 |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (450 p.) |
Altri autori (Persone) |
CarrierNicolas |
CoativyYves |
CometGeorges |
CursenteBenoît |
DeluzChristiane |
DenjeanClaude |
ForondaFrançois |
FrayJean-Luc |
JanRégine Le |
JohansEmmanuel |
KammererOdile |
LecuppreGilles |
LemondeAnne |
LeoniSimona Boscani |
LuckenChristopher |
MouthonFabrice |
PintoAnthony |
RacinePierre |
SabatéFlocel |
ViaderRoland |
Société des historiens médiévistes de l’Enseignement supérieur public |
Soggetti |
History |
Medieval & Renaissance Studies |
civilisation médiévale |
montagnard |
écologie humaine |
montagne |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Sommario/riassunto |
Peuplées de diables ou de sorciers, lieux de mille dangers, les montagnes constituent, au Moyen Âge, l'espace d'une altérité effrayante. Elles sont pourtant fréquemment traversées par les marchands et les pèlerins qui, par leurs voyages réguliers, démentent cet imaginaire de la montagne et prouvent qu'elle n'est en rien une barrière : l'amélioration de la circulation intramontagnarde, particulièrement dans les Alpes, est un apport fondamental de la période médiévale. Mais si la montagne est avant tout un espace vécu, les historiens s'interrogent sur les spécificités des sociétés qu'elle abrite. Une autre image vient alors à l'esprit : celle de Guillaume Tell, champion d'une communauté montagnarde qui résisterait, en tant que telle, à tout contrôle politique. Au-delà de la variété des cas étudiés, les actes du XXXIVe Congrès de la Société des historiens médiévistes de l'Enseignement supérieur public, réunis à Chambéry en mai 2003, proposent une réflexion d'ensemble sur les interactions de l'homme et du milieu montagnard au Moyen Âge et sur l'intégration du milieu dans le système de représentation des sociétés médiévales. La matière y est répartie en quatre thèmes principaux : la montagne traversée, la montagne gouvernée, la montagne vécue, la montagne imaginaire. Tandis que les géographes s'interrogent sur le concept même de montagne, les historiens médiévistes mettent à profit cette incertitude méthodologique pour questionner les spécificités des « sociétés de montagne ». L'émergence d'un ensemble de communautés plus ou moins autonomes constitue certes l'un des héritages majeurs de la période médiévale. Toutefois, ces communautés montagnardes ne vivent pas repliées sur elles-mêmes. Elles sont partie prenante d'un jeu complexe de pouvoirs qui les met aux prises avec les seigneurs locaux, laïcs ou ecclésiastiques, les villes parfois, et le prince territorial. |
4. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910484034203321 |
Titolo |
Advanced parallel processing technologies : 6th international workshop, APPT 2005, Hong Kong, China, October 27-28, 2005 : proceedings / / Jiannong Cao, Wolfgang Nejdl, Ming Xu (eds.) |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Berlin ; ; New York, : Springer, 2005 |
3-540-32107-1 |
3-540-29639-5 |
Edizione |
[1st ed. 2005.] |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (XIV, 526 p.) |
Collana |
Lecture notes in computer science, , 0302-9743 ; ; 3756 |
Classificazione |
Altri autori (Persone) |
CaoJiannong |
NejdlW <1960-> (Wolfgang) |
XuMing |
Disciplina |
Soggetti |
Parallel programming (Computer science) |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Note generali |
Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph |
Nota di bibliografia |
Includes bibliographical references and index. |
Nota di contenuto |
Keynote Speech -- Research Issues in Adapting Computing to Small Devices -- Mobile Context-Aware Systems – Linking the Physical and Digital World -- Architecture -- A Data Transformations Based Approach for Optimizing Memory and Cache Locality on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors -- A Fetch Policy Maximizing Throughput and Fairness for Two-Context SMT Processors -- A Loop Transformation Using Two Parallel Region Partitioning Method -- Criticality Based Speculation Control for Speculative Multithreaded Architectures -- Design and Implementation of Semantic Caching Coherency Control Scheme Toward Distributed Environment -- Energy Efficient United L2 Cache Design with Instruction/Data Filter Scheme -- Improving Latency Tolerance of Network Processors Through Simultaneous Multithreading -- RIMP: Runtime Implicit Predication -- Static Partitioning vs Dynamic Sharing of Resources in Simultaneous MultiThreading Microarchitectures -- Algorithm and Theory -- Autonomous-Centered Problem Allocation Oriented to Cooperation -- Contention-Free Communication Scheduling for Irregular Data Redistribution in Parallelizing Compilers -- Experiments on Asynchronous Partial Gauss-Seidel Method -- Improved Program Dependence Graph and Algorithm for Static Slicing Concurrent Programs -- Parallelisation of Sequential |
Programs by Invasive Composition and Aspect Weaving -- Revisiting the Election Problem in Asynchronous Distributed Systems -- Scheduling Scheme with Fairness and Adaptation in the Joint Allocation of Heterogeneous Resources -- Solving the Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigenproblem Using MPI/OpenMP Hybrid Parallelization -- Trust Management with Safe Privilege Propagation -- Vector Space Based on Hierarchical Weighting: A Component Ranking Approach to Component Retrieval -- System and Software -- A High Availability Mechanism for Parallel File System -- A User-Guided Semi-automatic Parallelization Method and Its Implementation -- CAPU: Enhancing P2P File Sharing System with Capacity Aware Topology -- Implementing Component Persistence in CCM Based on StarPSS -- Load Balancing Design Issues on Prefetch-Based DSM Systems -- Task Assignment for Network Processor Pipelines Using GA -- Test-Suite Reduction Using Genetic Algorithm -- Grid Computing -- A Constellation Model for Grid Resource Management -- An Effective Information Service Architecture in Grid Environment -- An Efficient Data Management System with High Scalability for ChinaGrid Support Platform -- CGSP: An Extensible and Reconfigurable Grid Framework -- Early Experience of Remote and Hot Service Deployment with Trustworthiness in CROWN Grid -- Grid Developing Environment in CGSP System -- Grid Job Support System in CGSP -- JFreeSim: A Grid Simulation Tool Based on MTMSMR Model -- OOML-Based Ontologies and Its Services for Information Retrieval in UDMGrid -- Networking -- A Hybrid Integrated QoS Multicast Routing Algorithm in IP/DWDM Optical Internet -- An Efficient Distributed Broadcasting Algorithm for Ad Hoc Networks -- Chaos-Based Dynamic QoS Scheme and Simulating Analysis -- Dynamic Delaunay Triangulation for Wireless Ad Hoc Network -- Energy Efficient Multipath Routing in Large Scale Sensor Networks with Multiple Sink Nodes -- FLC: A Novel Dynamic Buffer Tuner for Shortening Service Roundtrip Time over the Internet by Eliminating User-Level Buffer Overflow on the Fly -- Intelligent Congestion Avoidance in Differentiated Service Networks -- Rule-Based Anomaly Detection of Inter-domain Routing System -- Transaction of Web Services Based on Struts -- Applied Technologies -- A Method of Aggregate Query Matching in Semantic Cache for Massive Database Applications -- A Parallel Modular Exponentiation Scheme for Transformed Exponents -- Content Selection Model for Adaptive Content Delivery -- Dynamic Service Provisioning for Multiplayer Online Games -- Principal Component Analysis for Distributed Data Sets with Updating -- Priority Conscious Transaction Routing in a Real-Time Shared Disks Cluster -- Probabilistic Continuous Update Scheme in Location Dependent Continuous Queries -- SIP-Based Adaptive Multimedia Transmissions for Wired and Wireless Networks -- WM+: An Optimal Multi-pattern String Matching Algorithm Based on the WM Algorithm. |
Sommario/riassunto |
Welcome to the proceedings of APPT 2005: the 6th International Workshop on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies. APPT is a biennial workshop on parallel and distributed processing. Its scope covers all aspects of parallel and distributed computing technologies, including architectures, software systems and tools, algorithms, and applications. APPT originated from collaborations by researchers from China and Germany and has evolved to be an international workshop. APPT 2005 was the sixth in the series. The past ?ve workshops were held in Beijing, Koblenz, Changsha, Ilmenau, and Xiamen, respectively. The Program Committee is pleased to present the proceedings for APPT 2005. This year, APPT 2005 received over 220 submissions from researchers all over the world. All the papers were peer reviewed by two to three Program Committee members on their relevance, originality, |
signi?cance, technical qu- ity, and presentation. Based on the review result, 55 high-quality papers were selected to be included in the proceedings. The papers in this volume represent the forefront of research on parallel processing and related ?elds by researchers from China, Germany, USA, Korea, India, and other countries. The papers - cepted cover a wide range of exciting topics, including architectures, software, networking, and applications. |
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