
Record Nr.



Urban poverty in Asia / / Asian Development Bank


Metro Manila, Philippines : , : Asian Development Bank, , 2014




Descrizione fisica

1 online resource (100 p.)




Urbanization - Asia

Urban poor - Asia

Electronic books.

Lingua di pubblicazione



Materiale a stampa

Livello bibliografico


Note generali

Description based upon print version of record.

Nota di bibliografia

Includes bibliographical references.

Nota di contenuto

Cover; Contents; List of Tables, Figures, and Boxes; Acknowledgment; About the Author; Abbreviations; Introduction; Nature and Dimensions of Urban Poverty; Moving beyond the Income-Consumption Poverty: Inequalities, Shelter, Services, and Livelihoods; Who Are the Urban Poor-Women, Children, Youth, Minority Groups?; Poverty and City Size; Exploring the Link among Urbanization, Income (GDP), and Urban Poverty; Public Policy Responses to Urban Poverty: Selected Asian Economies; Asia's Urban Poverty and What it May Mean for the People's Republic of China and ADB; Annex Tables; Bibliography

Tables1 Tracking Poverty: Asia and the Developing World; 2 Asia: Subregional Shares of the Poor; 3 Proportions of the Poor, Rural and Urban; 4 Numbers of the Poor, Rural and Urban; 5 Is Asia Entering into the ""Urbanization of Poverty"" Trap?; 6 The 2.15/day Urban Poverty Estimate; 7 Urban Poverty Assessment-National Level Poverty Lines; 8 Rural and Urban Poverty Gap Ratios and Gini Indices: People's Republic of China, India, and Indonesia; 9 Informal Settlements Population in Asia; 10 Economic Impact of Poor Sanitation; 11 Working Poverty: World and Asian Regions, 2002 and 2012

12 Urbanization, Gross Domestic Product, and Urban Poverty: A Synoptic View13 Urbanization and Urban Poverty; 14 Gross Domestic Product and Urban Poverty; 15 People's Republic of China's Urban

Poverty Line, Size of Poor Population, and Absolute Rate of Poverty, 1998-2007; 16 Population in Informal settlements in the People's Republic of China; 17 Headcount Rates of Povertya, 1991-1992 to 2010; 18 Number and Percentage of the Poor, India; 19 Urban Poverty in Pakistan; 20 Poverty Estimates in Cambodia, 2009; 21 Poverty Rates and the Poverty Gap, Viet Nam

22 Country-Specific Interventions for Urban Poverty ReductionFigures; 1 Poverty-Population Trends; 2 City-Level Gini Coefficients: Asian Cities; 3 Per Capita Income and Urbanization Levels Across Asian Countries, 2011; 4 Urbanization and Urban Poverty: Selected Asian Countries; 5 Gross Domestic Product and Urban Poverty: Selected Asian Countries; 6 People's Republic of China's Urban Transition; 7 Bangladesh's Urban Transition; 8 India's Urban Transition; 9 Pakistan's Urban Transition; 10 Cambodia's Urban-Rural Population Growth Trends; 11 Indonesia's Urban Transition

12 Philippines's Urban Transition13 Viet Nam's Urban Transition; Boxes; 1 Measuring Poverty; 2 Urbanization of Global Poverty; 3 National Urban Poverty Lines; 4 What is an Informal Settlement?; 5 Definition of Improved and Unimproved Sanitation and Water Supply; 6 Economic impacts of inadequate sanitation in India by categories, 2006; 7 Economic Importance of Sanitation; 8 Rights of the Child; 9 The Global Rise of Youth Unemployment; 10 Private Sector's Housing Involvement in Manila's Informal Settlement Communities; Appendix Tables

1 Aggregate Poverty: Regional Aggregations 1990, 2008, and 2010