"Inventor Essentials is a unique learning resource that features concise, straightforward explanations and real-world, hands-on exercises and tutorials to teach new users the software's core features and functions. Each chapter opens with a quick discussion of concepts and learning goals and then briskly moves into an approachable hands-on exercise that readers can follow to gain confidence using the software. Each chapter features compelling full-color screenshots to illustrate tutorial steps, and chapters conclude with a related and more open-ended project to further reinforce the chapter's lessons. Readers can download starting and ending files for the exercises and additional learning tutorials so that they can start anywhere in the book and compare their results with the pro's. Inventor Essentials first introduces users to the software's interface and foundational concepts. Following a workflow-based approach that mirrors how projects progress in the real world, the book then guides readers through creating 2D drawings from 3D data, model parts, combining parts into assemblies, working with standards and styles, annotating drawings, using advanced assembly tools, working with sheet metal, building with the frame generator, using weldments, presenting designs, and working with other file formats. Based on the very real-world task of designing tools and a toolbox to house them, the hands-on exercises in Inventor Essentials will get all users up to speed on the program's core functionality so they can quickly become productive with the software. The full-color book also features dataset downloads so readers can jump in anywhere as well as compare their work to the pro's."-- |