1. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910461582103321 |
Titolo |
Hybrid cloud for dummies [[electronic resource] /] / Judith Hurwitz ... [et al.] |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Hoboken, N.J., : Wiley |
Chichester, : John Wiley [distributor], 2012 |
1-118-23500-2 |
1-118-22487-6 |
Edizione |
[2nd ed.] |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (363 p.) |
Collana |
Altri autori (Persone) |
Disciplina |
Soggetti |
Cloud computing |
Web services |
Electronic books. |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Note generali |
Description based upon print version of record. |
Nota di contenuto |
Hybrid Cloud For Dummies; About the Authors; Dedication; Authors' Acknowledgments; Contents at a Glance; Table of Contents; Introduction; About This Book; Foolish Assumptions; How This Book Is Organized; Icons Used in This Book; Where to Go from Here; Part I: Understanding Concepts and Construction; Chapter 1: Discovering the Fundamentals of Your Computing Environment; Deconstructing Cloud Concepts; Cloud Computing Elements: Resource Pools/Cloud Models and Services; Examining the Role of the Data Center; Chapter 2: The Hybrid Cloud Continuum; Explaining the Hybrid Cloud |
Combining Services to Create a Hybrid Cloud Environment The Integration Imperative; Looking at the Requirements for Cloud Integration; Chapter 3: Service Orientation in the Cloud; Defining Service Orientation; Why Service Orientation Matters in the Cloud; Characteristics of Service Orientation; Cataloging Services; Why Service Orientation Is Important to Each of the Cloud Models; Chapter 4: Hybrid Cloud Management; Understanding the Cloud Service Management Ecosystem; Key Capabilities in Cloud Service Management; How Virtualization Complicates Managing a Hybrid Cloud |
The Reality of the Service Desk in Hybrid Clouds Building Your Hybrid |
Cloud Service Management Plan; Part II: Examining Cloud Service Delivery Models; Chapter 5: Understanding Infrastructure as a Service; Understanding the Key Characteristics of IaaS in a Public Cloud; Considering the Role of a Private IaaS; Using IaaS; Examining Amazon's Public Elastic Compute Cloud; Emerging Players in the IaaS Market; What Infrastructure as a Service Means to You; Chapter 6: Exploring Software as a Service; Seeing the Characteristics of SaaS; Multi-Tenancy and Its Benefits; SaaS Economics |
How SaaS Fits into the Hybrid Cloud World Understanding the Hybrid SaaS Ecosystem; Examining Examples of SaaS Platforms; Other as-a-Service Options in the Cloud; Hybrid Cloud Changes the Nature of SaaS; Chapter 7: Standing on Platform as a Service; Understanding Platform as a Service; Discovering What Changes with PaaS; How PaaS Abstracts Connectivity and Integration; Exploring Types of PaaS; Business Benefits of PaaS; Chapter 8: Managing Business Process as a Service; Understanding the Importance of Business Process as a Service; Exploring How BPaaS Works in the Real World |
Delivering Business Processes from the Cloud Part III: Evaluating the Business Value of the Hybrid Cloud; Chapter 9: Embracing the Business Imperative; Understanding the Challenges of Transforming IT; The Business Benefits of the New IT; Getting Started in This New World; The Role of the Hybrid Cloud; Putting the Evolution of the Data Center in Perspective; Managing Workloads in a Cost-Effective Way; Chapter 10: Breaking Down the Economics of the Hybrid Cloud; Striking the Right Balance of Environments for a Hybrid Cloud; Economic Benefit of the Cloud; The Economics of the Data Center |
Evaluating Costs in the Hybrid Environment |
Sommario/riassunto |
Choose the right combination of public, private, and data center resources to empower your business Hybrid clouds are transforming the way that organizations do business. This handy guide helps you find out what this new cloud deployment model is all about. You'll get down- to-earth information about cloud technology, questions to consider, and how to plan and deliver your move to a hybrid environment. Constructing the cloud - learn the basic concepts of the hybrid cloud from both a technical and business perspective Delivering cloud services - dive |
2. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910131377803321 |
Autore |
Gouyon Marie |
Titolo |
L’emploi salarié dans le spectacle en 2008 : une diversité de situations / / Marie Gouyon |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Paris, : Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques, 2014 |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (12 p.) |
Soggetti |
Business |
cultural employment |
cultural statistics |
cultural wage-earner |
feminization |
INSEE (National Institute of statistics and economic studies) |
performing art |
emploi culturel |
spectacle |
statistiques culturelles |
féminisation |
C.D.D |
salariat culturel |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Sommario/riassunto |
En 2008, 440 000 personnes sur les 23 millions de salariés en France ont travaillé au moins une heure dans le secteur du spectacle (audiovisuel et spectacle vivant). Les volumes de travail et les rémunérations sont fortement concentrés par une minorité de salariés : 5% des salariés du spectacle perçoivent 30% du total des rémunérations. Polyvalence et pluriactivité caractérisent le salariat dans le spectacle, ce qui se traduit par une fragmentation de l’emploi : |
important recours aux contrats à durée déterminée et perception d’indemnités chômage en complément des salaires. Une typologie des salariés, articulée autour du volume de travail et du montant des salaires horaires, permet de caractériser six types principaux, des professionnels les plus impliqués, qui exercent au moins les trois quarts de leur activité dans le spectacle vivant (35%) ou dans l’audiovisuel (37%), aux salariés épisodiques (11% dans l’audiovisuel et 17% dans le spectacle vivant). In 2008, 440,000 of France’s 23 million salaried workers did at least an hour’s work in the entertainment sector (audiovisual and live performance). Work volumes and pay levels are highly concentrated in the hands of a minority of these salaried workers, with 5% of salaried entertainment workers accounting for 30% of total income revenues. Salaried workers in the entertainment sector are typically flexible and multiskilled, which results in job fragmentation: there is significant reliance on open-ended contacts and benefits payments to top up salaries. Examining workers in terms of their volume of work and hourly rates gives a clear breakdown of 6 main types of worker, from the more committed professionals who spend at least three quarters of their working life in live entertainment (35%) or in audiovisual (37%), to casual workers (11% in audiovisual and 17% in live entertainment). |
3. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910293357803321 |
Autore |
A. Osman Mona |
Titolo |
The Mediterranean region under climate change : A scientific update / / Jean-Paul Moatti, Stéphane Thiébault |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Marseille, : IRD Éditions, 2018 |
Descrizione fisica |
1 online resource (736 p.) |
Altri autori (Persone) |
Aboul-NagaAdel |
AdallalRachid |
AderghalMohamed |
AfifCharbel |
AlaryVéronique |
AlifriquiMohamed |
AlkamaRezak |
AlleaumeSamuel |
AlpertPinhas |
AnconaCarla |
AnnabiMohamed |
Annesi-MaesanoIsabella |
AnquetinSandrine |
ArdilouzeConstantin |
AuclairLaurent |
Aumeeruddy-ThomasYildiz |
AzuaraJulien |
B. NicolasJosé |
BadriWadi |
BaillyAlicia |
BaldyVirginie |
BardEdouard |
BaroukiRobert |
BarrePhilippe |
BassettiMaria-Angela |
BattéLauriane |
BaudoinEzekiel |
BeekmannMatthias |
BelhimerAmmar |
BenaïssaFatima |
BenedettiFabio |
BenjellounBadr |
BenkaddourAbdel |
Ben Rais LasramFrida |
BergamettiGilles |
BergerJean-François |
BernouxMartial |
BeverenElisabeth Van |
BissonnaisYves Le |
BlanchetJuliette |
BlanfunéAurélie |
BoissardChristophe |
BonnetPascal |
BooneAaron |
BorbonAgnès |
BorgaMarco |
BoudevillainBrice |
BouetChristel |
BouletGilles |
BounouaraZohra |
Bou DagherMagda |
BrahimNadhem |
BrasJean-Philippe |
BraudIsabelle |
BricheElodie |
BrousseauPierre |
CardinaelRémi |
CarozzaJean-Michel |
CarozzaLaurent |
CavicchiaLeone |
ChapronEmmanuel |
CharefMohamed |
CharkiAbderafi |
ChenuClaire |
ChevallierTiphaine |
ChirazBelhadj Kheder |
ChotteJean-Luc |
ColetteAugustin |
CollMarta |
Combourieu-NeboutNathalie |
CoppolaErika |
CostesEvelyne |
CournacLaurent |
CourpThierry |
CozannetGonéri Le |
CramerWolfgang |
CreutinJean-Dominique |
DahechSalem |
DakhlaouiHamouda |
DaoudIbrahim |
DarmarakiSofia |
DarrasSabine |
DayanUri |
DébevecCécile |
DelonClaire |
DelrieuGuy |
DéquéMichel |
DerridjArezki |
DesboeufsKarine |
DezileauLaurent |
DiakakisMichalis |
Di SarraAlcide |
DolléVincent |
DoraïKamel |
DouniasEdmond |
DouvinetJohnny |
DriouechFatima |
DrobinskiPhilippe |
DucrocqVéronique |
DulacFrançois |
DuponnoisRobin |
DupretBaudouin |
DurandPierre |
DusanterSébastien |
D’AnnaBarbara |
ElyazamiDriss |
El Mehdi SaidiMohamed |
FadyBruno |
FakirYounes |
FarahWehbeh |
FehriNoômène |
FernandezCatherine |
FischerClaude |
FlaounasEmmanouil |
ForastiereFrancesco |
FormentiPaola |
ForslundAgneta |
FourriéNadia |
François BoudouresqueCharles |
GalianaAntoine |
GallaliTahar |
GarciaMarta |
GaumeEric |
GauquelinThierry |
GeniezPhilippe |
GeninDidier |
GentyDominique |
GhilardiMatthieu |
GourleyJonathan |
GrosValérie |
GualdiSilvio |
GuéganJean-François |
GuilhaumonFrançois |
GuiotJoël |
HachichaMohamed |
HaddouchHassan |
HafidiMohamed |
HaitéHakima El |
HalouaniGhassen |
HamdiSalwa |
Hamdi-AissaBaelhadj |
HamonouEric |
HanichLahoucine |
HarzallahAli |
HattabTarek |
HebertBertil |
HimbertMarc |
HmimsaYounes |
HochmanAssaf |
HugotLaetitia |
JalaliBassem |
JambertCorinne |
JarlanLionel |
JavellePierre |
JoffreRichard |
JordaGabriel |
JouveGuillaume |
KallelNejib |
KallidaRajae |
KathraNabil Ben |
KhabbaSaïd |
KhadariBouchaib |
KhatteliHoucine |
KotroniVassilki |
KuzucuogluCatherine |
LabiadhMohamed |
LacroixDenis |
LangMichel |
LasramFrida Ben Rais |
LasseurJacques |
LathièreJuliette |
LaurentBenoît |
LeducChristian |
LegaveJean-Michel |
LericheMaud |
LespezLaurent |
Le Loc’HFrançois |
LiLaurent |
Lili-ChabaaneZohra |
LimousinJean-Marc |
LionelloPiero |
LiousseCatherine |
LlasatMaria Carmen |
LocogeNadine |
Loc’HFrançois Le |
LoireauMaud |
LongepierreDamien |
LutoffCéline |
MaillerSylvain |
MalinowskiDariusz |
MalletMarc |
ManceronStéphane |
MaoucheSaid |
MarchiLorenzo |
MarcosMarta |
MartinEric |
MartinLuc |
MartinNicolas |
MartyPascal |
MartyPauline |
MassuelSylvain |
MédailFrédéric |
MekkiInsaf |
MellasSamira |
MenadWahiba |
MenutLaurent |
MichonGeneviève |
MichoudVincent |
MihalopoulosNikolaos |
MoattiJean-Paul |
Mohamed ZaghloulAlaa |
MolénatJérôme |
MoliniéGilles |
MonierMarie |
MontagnaPaulo |
MontoroiJean-Pierre |
MorillonRaphaël |
MouaqitMohamed |
MouëlChantal Le |
MouillotFlorent |
MoukhliAbdelmajid |
MoullecFabien |
Mrad NakhléMyriam |
MunozFrançois |
NabatPierre |
NasrallahWafa |
NeppelLuc |
NortonMark |
OuahmaneLahcen |
OuelhaziBahri |
ÖztürkFatma |
PageMichel Le |
PayrastreOlivier |
PlantonSerge |
PodwojewskiPascal |
PradelRoger |
PrévotLaurent |
PrinYves |
Pulido BoschAntonio |
Quintana-SeguíPere |
RaclotDamien |
RaimbaultPatrick |
RajotJean-Louis |
Ramadan AliRafat |
RambalSerge |
RegnardJean-Luc |
ReminiBoualem |
RenardJean-Baptiste |
RhazKhalid EL |
RhoujjatiAli |
RicaudPhilippe |
RichardFranck |
RuellandDenis |
RuinIsabelle |
SabirMohamed |
Saint-MartinClotilde |
SalahEhab |
SalamehThérèse |
SánchezEnrique |
SanguinHervé |
SarauxClaire |
SarteletKarine |
SattaAlessio |
SauvageStéphane |
SchatzBertrand |
SchmittBertrand |
SciareJean |
ScolobigAnna |
SellegriKarine |
ShinYunne-Jai |
SicardMichaël |
SicreMarie-Alexandrine |
SilvaAnne Da |
SimenelRomain |
SimmoneauAnaëlle |
SlimaniSaid |
SnoussiMaria |
SolmonFabien |
SomotSamuel |
SonzogniCorinne |
SoussanaJean-François |
StafoggiaMassimo |
SylvestreFlorence |
SzczyptaCamille |
TachikawaKazuyo |
TaschenElisa |
ThibautThierry |
ThibonMaxime |
ThiébaultStéphanie |
TorquebiauEmmanuel |
TramblayYves |
ValentinChristian |
Vallet-CoulombChristine |
VanniereBoris |
VennetierMichel |
VerlaqueMarc |
Vicente-SerranoSergio |
VidalJean-Philippe |
VidalLaurence |
VinetFreddy |
ViryElisabeth |
Vogt-SchilbHélène |
VolaireFlorence |
VoltzMarc |
WakedAntoine |
WattrelotEric |
YazamiDriss El |
ZaherHayat |
ZappaMassimiliano |
ZbindenRégina |
Zitouna-ChebbiRim |
ZribiMehrez |
ThiébaultStéphane |
Soggetti |
Environmental Studies |
changement climatique |
Méditerranée |
COP22 |
Allenvi |
climatic change |
Mediterranean |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Sommario/riassunto |
This book has been published by Allenvi (French National Alliance for |
Environmental Research) to coincide with the 22nd Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) in Marrakesh. It is the outcome of work by academic researchers on both sides of the Mediterranean and provides a remarkable scientific review of the mechanisms of climate change and its impacts on the environment, the economy, health and Mediterranean societies. It will also be valuable in developing responses that draw on “scientific evidence” to address the issues of adaptation, resource conservation, solutions and risk prevention. Reflecting the full complexity of the Mediterranean environment, the book is a major scientific contribution to the climate issue, where various scientific considerations converge to break down the boundaries between disciplines. |
4. |
Record Nr. |
UNINA9910367567403321 |
Autore |
Tokita Masayuki |
Titolo |
Advancements in Gel Science-A Special Issue in Memory of Toyoichi Tanaka / Masayuki Tokita |
Pubbl/distr/stampa |
Basel, Switzerland : , : MDPI, , 2019 |
Descrizione fisica |
1 electronic resource (178 p.) |
Lingua di pubblicazione |
Formato |
Materiale a stampa |
Livello bibliografico |
Monografia |
Sommario/riassunto |
A gel is a state of matter that consists of a three-dimensional cross-linked polymer network and a large amount of solvent. Because of their structural characteristics, gels play important roles in science and technology. The science of gels has attracted much attention since the discovery of the volume phase transition by Professor Toyoichi Tanala at MIT in 1978. MDPI planned to publish a Special Issue in Gels to celebrate the 40th anniversary of this discovery, which received |
submissions of 13 original papers and one review from various areas of science. We believe that readers will find this Special Issue informative as to the recent advancements of gel research and the broad background of gel science. |
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