Front matter -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Introduction / Ficara, Elena -- Part I: Logic -- Contradictory Concepts / Priest, Graham -- Rapunzel Shaves Pinocchio's Beard / Beall, JC -- Paradoxes and the Reality of Contradictions / D'Agostini, Franca -- Logic, Ontological Neutrality, and the Law of Non-Contradiction / Varzi, Achille C. -- Representing the Contradictory / Berto, Francesco -- Part II: History -- Objections to Aristotle's Defence of the Principle of Non-Contradiction / Berti, Enrico -- The Justice of Contradiction / Nuzzo, Angelica -- Limit and Contradiction in Hegel / Illetterati, Luca -- Zur Logik moralischer Urteile / Vieweg, Klaus -- Part III: Actuality -- Insuperable Contradictions / Vattimo, Gianni -- A Disenchanted Reenchantment -- Wie wir auf Konsistenz aus sind - und warum / Welsch, Wolfgang -- List of Contributors -- Index of Names -- Subject Index |