Foreword: Surveillance and Political Problems / Kevin D. Haggerty -- Introduction / Sean P. Hier and Josh Greenberg -- 1. Politics of Surveillance: Power, Paradigms, and the Field of Visibility / Sean P. Hier and Josh Greenberg -- Pt. 1. Stigma, Morality, and Social Control -- 2. Kid-Visible: Childhood Obesity, Body Surveillance, and the Techniques of Care / Charlene D. Elliott -- 3. Police Surveillance of Male-with-Male Public Sex in Ontario, 1983-94 / Kevin Walby -- 4. Kind of Prohibition: Targets of the Liquor Control Board of Ontario's Interdiction List, 1953-75 / Scott Thompson -- Pt. 2. Environmental Design, Consumerism, and Privacy -- 5. Natural Surveillance, Crime Prevention, and the Effects of Being Seen / Patrick F. Parnaby and C. Victoria Reed -- 6. Administering the Dead: Mass Death and the Problem of Privacy / Joseph Scanlon -- 7. Identity Theft and the Construction of Creditable Subjects / Sheryl N. Hamilton -- Pt. 3. Genetics, Security, and Biometrics -- 8. From Bodily Integrity to Genetic Surveillance: The |