pt. 1. The Indiana origins of eugenic sterilization: The hoosier connection : compulsory sterilization as moral hygiene / Elof Axel Carlson ; The Indiana way of eugenics : sterilization laws, 1907-74 / Jason S. Lantzer -- pt. 2. Eugenics and popular culture: From better babies to the bunglers : eugenics on tobacco road / Paul A. Lombardo ; "Quality, not mere quantity, counts" : black eugenics and the NAACP baby contests / Gregory Michael Dorr and Angela Logan -- pt. 3. State studies of eugenic sterilization: From legislation to lived experience : eugenic sterilization in California and Indiana, 1907-79 / Alexandra Minna Stern ; Eugenics and social welfare in new deal Minnesota / Molly Ladd-Taylor ; Reassessing eugenic sterilization : the case of North Carolina / Johanna Schoen ; Protection or control? Women's health, sterilization abuse, and Relf v. Weinberger / Gregory Michael Dorr -- pt. 4. Eugenics in the human genome era: Are we entering a "perfect storm" for a resurgence of eugenics? Science, medicine, and their social context / Linda L. McCabe and Edward R. B. McCabe -- Modern eugenics and the law / Maxwell J. Mehlman. |