El periquillo sarniento : banditry as the non plus ultra -- Facundo : banditry and the state as nomadic war machine -- El chacho : banditry and allegories of legitimation -- O cabelleira : cangaceiros, sacarocracy, and the invention of a national tradition -- El zarco : banditry and foundational allegories for the nation-state -- Criminology : banditry as the wound of history -- Astucia : banditry and insurgent utopia -- Zárate : banditry, nation, and the experience of the limits -- Martín Fierro : banditry and the frontiers of the voice -- Juan Moreira : the gaucho malo as unpopular hero -- Alma gaucha : the gaucho outlaw and the leviathan -- Los bandidos de Ría Frío : banditry, the criminal state, and the critique of Porfirian illusions -- Os sertões : original banditry and the crimes of nations -- La guerra gaucha : bandit and founding father in the epic of the nation-state -- Los de abajo : the feast, the bandit gang, the bola (revolution and its metaphors) -- Cesarismo democrático : banditry and the necessary gendarme (the shadow of the Caudillo I) -- Doña Bárbara : banditry and the illusions of modernity (the shadow of the Caudillo II). |